I told parts of the story before, but can't be bothered looking up my old posts.
There was this guy in class at uni, I'll call him Austin (for meme reasons). Austin always annoyed me, because, as we studied politics, he always had stupid views on everything, and by stupid, I mean nationalistic and homophobic and racist etc. I heard it all in classes we had together. He was also Montenegrian, and always complained about being treated as a foreigner here, which he really was. Austin was elected student representative. I never cared about that stuff and never voted, but I should've voted against him. Austin added everyone from uni on FB. Austin sent me a friend request. I opened Austin's FB profile, because I didn't know him by name and I don't accept friend requests from strangers. Austin was arguing with a fellow (gay) student about the gay parade and was insulting him. Later on he was talking shit about Croatians, old people, animals etc. All bad stuff. I find a post where he says something like "I'd dance on the grave of whoever brought biology to uni". The only subject that has anything close to biology is my dad's, and it's not really biology. So I'm not really a snitch, but the dude is a class A dickhead, so I send it to my dad. He tells me he'll eventually show up at his exam. Nice

Anyway, dad didn't fail him as he's not as vengeful as I am. Even gave him 8/10. But he did tell him afterwards that he saw the FB post and that it was not a nice thing to say. Then Austin apologizes publicly on FB. Few weeks later he posts stuff like "People are jealous of me and my success", "People snitching" and random stuff like that.
Today he showed up at my class at masters' course. Fuck's sake. He didn't fucking show up on any lists of people who applied. Fucker applied last year, didn't show up at all and is taking classes all over again.
Anyway, I'm talking with my new class friends after class was over and eventually there's three of us left. Female friend, Austin and me. Female friend who knows me from before asks me something and I mention my dad, the professor. And Austin's like, your dad is a professor? And I'm like, yeah. And he's like, who is it? And I tell him.
"Oh he's a great guy, tremendous guy, everyone knows it. I did fuck up something years ago, but we worked it out luckily, he was great about it. Great guy really."
I ask him what happened. He tells me about the FB post. I'm like "oh that was you? yeah, I heard something about that, but didn't know the name".
And he's like yeah, and then tells me everything I already knew. And then goes "People were jealous because I was elected student representative and got paid. And
because of my right wing opinions. And there was this group who was conspiring against me, so they did this, but I was still elected and they weren't hehehehe"
At this point I'm holding back both laughs and tears, but luckily we part ways afterwards and then I laughed all the way home. I'm still laughing while typing this.
4 years later and he's still salty about one screenshot that didn't alter his grade or anything. Stupid idiot. I'm not sure if he'll now suspect it was me, but I'll definitely not confess either way.