I was looking for the general musings thread, but I believe this rant thread will do.
I believe I could've been anyone in the world if I wasn't me. No, actually, maybe what I am feeling right now isn't that serious. Corporate burnout. I've seen it argued that corporate burnout might be responsible for all our modern problems in our modern world. And maybe I can twist the truth to see that too.
Back around April of 2023, I got very serious about a couple things in my life. I felt a certain dullness in the way I was living, and the future was hazy. I've been living by myself, more or less, since 2017, when I was 19. In April of 2023, I took inventory of my life and what I wanted out of life. I wanted a lot, I wanted the world even, but to summarize the world: I wanted to look better, I wanted a more definitive career path, and I wanted to go back to school. From that point on to about May of 2024, I put my nose to grindstone. I dropped from 240 pounds (roughly 108kg for my metric readers) down to 178 pounds (81kg). I found a college offering an Automated/Automotive Manufacturing Technology course (very closely related to what I do for work), and I started to take my job more seriously than ever.
Early returns were great, I set up a one year review with my plant manager and the shop owner's son and laid out my professional goals. They liked what they saw; and when I asked for a raise in pay, they met my price immediately, which I was surprised by, as I over shot what I wanted. Walking out of that meeting, I knew at the two year review I wanted to blow them away. I mean just knock their socks off. I began brainstorming over what that was going to be, and I settled on a presentation. A presentation more or less about efficiency in my department, what I've been doing to increase that, lean manufacturing, scalable percentages,
the whole nine.
I began school in May of 2023. I completed 3 classed for 10 credit hours during the summer, 4 classes for 12 credit hours during the fall, and in January of 2024, I started the spring semester at college. This semester was intensive: a robotic welding class along with another rather competitive welding class. This other competitive welding class required a lot of lab time along with outside time for me to excel. I wanted to finish top of the class. I really had to lock in and focus to accomplish that. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I would wake up around 7 PM, go to the gym and then run afterwards. At 10:30 PM, I would start getting ready for work. I would then work from Midnight to 8 (sometimes 10 AM or later depending on the state of affairs) and then leave to go study until noon. I would then go to class and weld from noon to 2:30 PM. I would usually get home, shower, and be in bed by 4:30 PM, only to have to be back up in a couple hours for my shift again. I maintained this schedule while only missing one class from January to May. At the end of the semester, I won, I was the top student in the class out of 26 students. Some of them even aspired to be full time welders, God bless them.
Very shortly after the spring semester ended, I finished up work on my presentation. My two year review was upon me. One year I had waited for this. That night driving into work on my two year anniversary, I had a selection of songs I played in preparation. Carefully curated, as I had thought about this for one whole year. The highlight was this:
My favorite movie of all time, I've seen it about 40 times. When I got to work, I smashed through what I needed to do for the next 8 hours. No headphones, no music, no podcasts, just reciting the presentation to myself. At 8 that morning I was summoned. I had anticipated that it was going to be the same setup as last time, just me and the plant manager and the owners son, but I was greeted by a larger party in the conference room. The plant manager, the machining supervisor, my boss on night shift, the owner's son, and the old bastard himself: the owner. Now the old bastard I have a strange respect for. Prior to this meeting, we exchanged 3, maybe 4, sentences. Yes, only 3 to 4 sentences over two years. As soon as I closed the conference room door, I heard him say, "Alright, can someone tell me what the fuck it is I'm doing in here right now?". They all looked at me, no one really liked challenging him or speaking too loudly around him, I gave him an answer though. An answer in the form of an all time performance. This presentation I had spent a long time on, and throughout presenting it along with the handouts I had made, I feel like I
fuckin' killed it. And I did. For the next three hours we discussed in depth my future with the company and they threw a couple things at me and I threw a couple things at them. They were impressed, but I wanted a lot out of my future with the company.
That all sounds kinda vague, but my exact terms for the future I wanted weren't necessarily met, but we were damn close. Without full on doxxing myself or getting too specific, I happen to be filling multiple roles at my job while also having a deep understanding of multiple manufacturing systems we employ. I was also the lead
something or another on my shift. This is where the corporate cat and mouse game began. Setting up a follow up was proving to be difficult. Both the plant manager and the owners son were acting somewhat shifty and avoided using any definitive or concrete language around me. This cat and mouse game lasted until the beginning of July. I was in something of a career limbo. I had asked for something and got half an answer, and the other half was being heavily guarded. I made a decision to send out my resume to a number of companies to see what I would pull "on the market". I was shocked to find out a couple things. One, I was in high demand, and two, I was being offered a lot more than what my current company was offering.
These shops, especially some of these smaller ones, talk. Word got out, somehow and someway, that I was on the market. Within the day, the owner met with me to tell me that he had given me the raise I asked for. I thanked him, but the pay wasn't the only thing I was concerned about. Throughout the next week, I had completed 5 interviews and received offers from everywhere I interviewed with. From here, I was able to craft counter offers that I liked. I ended up taking what was one of the more competitive offers that included tuition assistance and further opportunities for professional development. I put my two weeks in, and from here, my old job met with me a number of times to try to get me to stay. I kept it professional and nice, but the offer I got was just too good to pass up.
That all leads me to today, typing this. I started work at this new job at the end of July, and I love it. I am learning so much, and the overtime has been fantastic. I'm not "coerced" into working the overtime, but anytime I want a 70 hour week, I can get it easily. At the end of July, I felt like I got everything I wanted. I kinda started to let my professional and personal health goals slip after that. I am back up to 215 pounds, and I kinda slacked off this past semester (still finished with all A's due to a masterful 4th quarter comeback). This semester I am taking a break. I am looking forward to getting back into shape, and I have Hells Heroes to look forward to in March. Maybe this is a parable about wanting to much? I sometimes wonder, if I ever got the world, I would probably sit there and say "that's it?".