Random song - Sear Bliss - Aeons of Desolation


Ancient Mariner
This song requires some patience because it's lengthy and it repeats some parts pretty often, but despite that I still think the whole song moves, I can visualize a lonely human being traveling in the night (like in the lyrics ;) ), a tiny figure in a desolate landscape. Also this song probably contains the best guitar solo in the genre of black metal. Long, but good!

Check it out this majestic stroll:

Sear Bliss - Aeons of Desolation from the album Phantoms (1996).

Sear Bliss are from Hungary and they are special because they use a horn (trumpet, later trombone), have woven atmospheric keyboard layers in their music and their albums have great artworks as covers. More info (and artworks!) I posted about this band here.


The wind sighed among the trees
The fallen leafs crackled
On the sleeping landscape

It was a sad, still voice
And I hear, only I hear it
The only human being in the night

Among the hungry shadows
Who are smelling the breeze
Which is carrying the secret dreams
Hidden desires
I hear as the wind brings it towards me

And from the impasse it always returns
I hear
Only I hear it
As the naked wind weeps through the night
I'm sure I saw Anathema in the thread title a few minutes ago :P Anyway, I'm familiar with this band. I tried their The Arcane Odyssey album and I was impressed by the music and dissapointed by the vocals. Now I only remember the song Blood On The Milky Way.

This song is OK, but it still has bad vocals. Orchestrations and solos are awesome, though. 7/10.

P.S. You forgot to put a poll ;)
Wow! I love black metal, and I must say that song was awesome! The vocals took a small amount of getting used to, but overall I thought it was very good and you have convinced me to try out more of their stuff. Do you have the other album artworks available?

Also, you forgot a poll :)

8/10 on first listen but could go higher.
Trying only their The Arcane Odyssey album is fine but older releases had more magic, I dare say. :)

Also, important for this topic: the vocals are just a small portion of this whole song.

Jupz said:
Wow! I love black metal, and I must say that song was awesome! The vocals took a small amount of getting used to, but overall I thought it was very good and you have convinced me to try out more of their stuff. Do you have the other album artworks available?

Nice. :)

IMO their most interesting albums are Phantoms and The Haunting.
Very different from each other though.

I also like The Pagan Winter:


The Haunting

Later releases are still worth trying out, or at least some songs.

Grand Destiny

Forsaken Symphony

Glory and Perdition

The Arcane Odyssey
First of all, I don't like black metal at all. This song was OK, it had some great melodies but that riff was so overplayed. To the point where it got annoying. At around the 4:30 mark it got more interesting. New riffs and a good breakdown with orchestra. In fact, it got really good then. But then at the end it goes back those dreaded riffs and kind of ruined it again for me. But that middle section was brilliant and turns the 5 that I wanted to give the song into a 7. 7/10 

Also, this was an interesting listen, thanks for posting something that I haven't heard before.
Forostar said:
You're welcome. I hope to show that black metal bands can be very different.
You did that too actually. I may not have liked it much, but it really changed my thoughts on Black Metal. (In a positive way!)