Random Song: Camille Saint-Saens: Danse Bacchanale

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For those who don't know it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBPON_Jh ... re=related

I didn't read anything that said rock music only, so lets try something new this time. So this song is from the third movement of the Opera "Samson and Delilah". For those that don't know the story, google it, because it enhances the experience of listening to this song. It begins with an Oboe solo going into the main theme of the song. The melody is one of 3 that plays a prominent role in the entire song. It starts off really bouncy before getting to the 1 minute mark where it really gets good. I love the descending melody and the backgrounds going with it. And then comes that Clarinet/Oboe solo before being joined to play it again with the flute. The way the entire mood changes so quickly, and then changes again for the reprise of the main melody is brilliant. The only thing I thought was a bit out of place was the 3-5 minute mark. It's just kind of there. After that it goes back to that melody found earlier in the song and then the main melody again, before exploding into the full orchestra playing that melody found in the Clarinet/Oboe/Flute solo. I played this piece in band a few years back and I even had chills from that part, you don't quite get the same feeling from listening to it on youtube, but it's there live.

A great classical piece, I love the mood of the entire piece, and the composition. 10/10
I'm not really into classical or instrumental music but this is good... Don't know what else to say. It's nice to listen to, but it's not something that I will remember much. 7/10.
I thought it was pretty good! Never listened to much classical music but I will try to get into it :)
Jupz said:
I thought it was pretty good! Never listened to much classical music but I will try to get into it :)
In all seriousness, fans of metal should check out classical music -- they share more similarities than you'd think, particularly in the complexity of the music and the attempt to convey darker emotions.  The Romantic composers in particular should be considered (such as Saint-Saens, and Schubert too, though my favorite is Dvorak). 

This isn't my favorite Saint-Saens piece, but it's still pretty good.  7/10
Oh yes Dvorak is very good. Obviously Jaws' theme was taken from New World Symphony. And 1812 Overture was Schubert right?

What is your favorite Saint-Saens piece? I must admit I'm not too familiar with his work besides Samson and Delilah.
Mosh said:
Oh yes Dvorak is very good. Obviously Jaws' theme was taken from New World Symphony. And 1812 Overture was Schubert right?

What is your favorite Saint-Saens piece? I must admit I'm not too familiar with his work besides Samson and Delilah.

1812 Overture/Symphony was Tchaikovsky; Schubert's most famous works include the 8th and 9th Symphonies (the 8th is the "Unfinished" Symphony) and Death and the Maiden.  Saint-Saens' most noteworthy pieces are his Organ Symphony and the Carnival of the Animals. 

Dvorak rules.  Even his chamber music (e.g. the piano quintet) is powerful. 
The Unfinished Symphony was the one I was thinking of.