Radiohead tells fans to pay what they want for album

Yes, she took Infomatrics and got the award for best thesis this year.  She's from Falkenberg originally.  And I highly doubt you know her in the biblical sense!
LooseCannon said:
Yes, she took Infomatrics and got the award for best thesis this year.  She's from Falkenberg originally.  And I highly doubt you know her in the biblical sense!
I agree. I graduated from there in 2000.
Sorry for the mega kick, but I didn't feel a new topic was that necessary. Besides, perhaps some of you are Radiohead fans? I appreciate a few songs of theirs, have seen them live in 1997 when I joined a group with my brother and some friends, but never got into them much further. Anyways, I was enjoying the recent Metallica discussion, where people also spoke about "focus".
Also, this:
They're a good band, but in my opinion they're not a band that's good for casual listening.
And then this:

Radiohead singer Thom Yorke records song that’s 18 DAYS long for Sydney art show
... The track is around 400 times longer that 'The Scriptures;, which holds the official Guinness world record for the longest ever recorded song.
Written by the Love Hope Strength Foundation and released in 2014, it lasts one hour, 43 minutes and 40 seconds, has 75 verses and features more than 200 contributors.
I like Radiohead a lot. I haven't heard everything they've done yet but I like most of what I've heard. The three album run from The Bends to Kid A is essential listening IMO.

From what I understand, the 18 day song is just ambience to serve as background music for the art show. Not really something meant to be listened to by itself.
I've found they're a really slow grower for me. Took me a whole year to just be able to appreciate OK Computer. Now it's one of my favorite albums and it's still growing on me! But I love groups like that, it's harder to get tired of them.