Politics of Metal (or...My Party Can Beat Up Your Party)

Hi all:
Been a huge Maiden fan since I discovered their first record, and have seen them live at least 10 times. They (along with Judas Priest) are the reasons I make the kind of music I make to this day.

I have a new release on the horizon, and as most of you know, the music biz has changed considerably over the last 10 years and the only way for an independant musician to be successful is through word of mouth and grass roots campaigns.

So during this election day (here in the states) I am doing my own campaigning to bring great music back to the masses and hopefully you elect me as someone who makes music that will make you want to join my party.

That's about enough of me trying to be clever (not really my strong suite), so let me just get to the point and invite you to visit my website at johnnylokkeband.com to sign up for my mailing list and get my new single "Beneath the Ruins" e-mailed to you for free when it is released this Saturday! While you are there you can also download my first release "Early Warning" in it's entirety (for free as well) as well as listen to samples from all my other releases.

My music is very much in the style of Maiden and Priest with a bit of Armored Saint/Saxon/Astral Doors/Dio thrown in for good measure, so I am sure you will find something there you like. Anyhow, you can hear a sneak peak of the new single at http://www.johnnylokkeband.com/mp3/RuinsClip.mp3 and if you like it, I would really appreciate you sharing this info with your friends on facebook and twitter. I depend on people like you to be able to keep making the music in my head a reality.

I'd love to hear your feedback, so e-mail me at john@ johnny lokke band DOT com (frakin' spam bots) and let me know what you think.

Many thanks and KEEP IT LOUD!!!

Johnny Lokke