'Polite' Britons died on Titanic

Germans are alright at queueing. I live in what is said to be the worst part in Germany, and they queue alright here. Even if the tramps sometimes smell as if they returned from the dead. Which they haven't, as is easily visible.
Albie, people may have many other reasons to not say anything when things happen like that. E.g. fear. Or trying to evade anger, discussion, trouble....

I am absolutely not like that for I am the worst actor in history, people can read my face. Basically I am polite until someone else isn't. And I am impatient and straight to the point.
Forostar said:
I am absolutely not like that for I am the worst actor in history, people can read my face. Basically I am polite until someone else isn't. And I am impatient and straight to the point.

No! Really? I'm glad you tell me Foro, because I hadn't noticed :p
D&N said:
Europe - Depending on the country, this can range from an OK line to none at all, I remember Greece being particularly bad, but in no nation I have been to there has it been without some chaos.

While being there, is just impossible not to adopt yourself in these manners

D&N said:
Africa - This largely depends on what you are standing in a queue for. In most cases though, lines are non-existent.

:D  :D

D&N said:
The Middle East - Really, don't even think about it.

Israel isn't that bad though, let's say it's a bad England or a good Greece  :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
Forostar said:
Some people are exactly like they are on internet. Really. ;)

I'd say all people  :)
Not really, no_5. I have met some people (mind you, not from this forum) who were pretty different in real life.

And many people have a big mouth on internet while being nobodies in real life. Mostly frustrated people who feel they are not recognized in real life.
Forostar said:
And many people have a big mouth on internet while being nobodies in real life. Mostly frustrated people who feel they are not recognized in real life.

Tell me about it. I have to deal with such people all the time. And I mean people whom I deal with on a regular (daily or weekly) basis both on the net and in real life. The internet is a great platform to distort yourself and assume a new identity. That's why I'm very glad to have met a good number of people from this board and can safely say they're all OK and not in any way different from what they present themselves as here.
SinisterMinisterX said:
Impossible. If you were from Texas, you wouldn't have been able to spell all those words correctly.

Let me turn off my spell check.

Wehl, ya goddamnyankee athiest basturd, Ima shootcha ded wit' me rifle fer contradiktin me!
I know a guy who got arrested for bringing a book into Texas.

He got off on a technicality, though... the Texans couldn't prove it was a book.
D&N said:
Now in 2009, it seems that quite the opposite is true. From what I have seen, Americans are the only ones that seem to take to the idea of "queuing" anymore. Everyone else , it appears, just want to bum-rush everything. Lessons learned from the Titanic? Perhaps.

I had to reply to this one.
Its a regular past time of me and my friends to comment how rediculously and perhaps needlessly polite the general public in England is. One particular example that comes to mind is when we queue in traffic at a set of lights. Even if there is a free, empty lane, (which is going in the same direction and is in no way slower in any way) no-one will queue in it until someone else decides to, like people think its rude to avoid the queue in the current lane and use the freely available one.
Of course, like all generalisations and stereotypes, this is not always the case, there are people who push in, walk around queue's, etc. But anytime that's happened, people have usually complained or at the very least given such people some very dirty looks.

I can't be bothered writing/typing out another rant of mine about how stupid the English mentality gets sometimes, but although its a massive flaw of ours, it at least makes us seem somewhat innocent when we finally do do something about it (but not to other englishmen, they of course think its rude, lol). One of the current things that annoys me is our mentality towards (or perhaps more accurately, our reaction to) racism, its really too far on the other side of the line.