People with no lives are frustrating my own

Natalie said:
...punctuated with even worse commercials every half hour...

Head On! Apply directly to the forehead!
Head On! Apply directly to the forehead!
Head On! Apply directly to the forehead!
Head On! Apply directly to the forehead!
Head On! Apply directly to the forehead!
SinisterMinisterX said:
Head On! Apply directly to the forehead!
Head On! Apply directly to th...

Head On! I can't stand your commercial, but your product is amazing!
Actually Onhell, there have been studies that show that commercials that annoy people are about as effective as the ones people really maybe you think the product is amazing because you can't stand their commercial for it? :blink:
Natalie said:
Actually Onhell, there have been studies that show that commercials that annoy people are about as effective as the ones people really maybe you think the product is amazing because you can't stand their commercial for it? :blink:

Actually Natalie I was quoting another of Head-On's ads where they make fun of themselves :D. And you are right, I've noticed that the most effective ads are either the more amusing or more annoying ones, the rest just kinda fade.
Well, it seems that no one has commented on my above statement.  Either people just ignored it, didn't get it, or thought it was too immature.  (Probably the last one).  :D
Yep GK. :P

Actually, I just didn't feel the need to comment on it. Walk the dog. 'Nuff said.
Hmmm.... not quite.  It's quite similar to that other thread you post on.  You know the one just below what JackKnife, No5 and myself had said.
Oh dear H. Not the Am I a hypocrite? thread with the 'depends on which body part' comment from Jackknife? If it is, then I get what you're aiming at. And YES that would be immature. :P
Natalie said:
Oh dear H. Not the Am I a hypocrite? thread with the 'depends on which body part' comment from Jackknife? If it is, then I get what you're aiming at. And YES that would be immature. :P

Going back to what this thread is originally about (and ignoring GK's immature comments :P) a 'conversation' I had the other day with a couple of my school friends got me very worried about modern society and the media. We were all talking about various memories and things we had shared, and we were about to say goodbye to each other (perhaps for the last time, who knows) and someone mentioned Paris Hilton. Then my friends spent the next 15 minutes discussing the various bits of news concerning this ridiculous celebrity. After 15 min. I got really frustrated and asked why in hell we were discussing Paris Hilton when we would be saying goodbye to each other and might not meet again ever (or at least until the next school reunion thing in 10 years). Someone turned round and said: 'Because she's what the media has been shoving in our faces for weeks and there is no news about anything else'. To which I sullenly replied that that was the reason I no longer watched the 'news'. And these people are supposed to be at least mildly intelligent and have all completed a rather rigorous high school education. So what have we all learned from school apart from reading, writing and some basic maths? To blindly follow what the media feeds us and to become mindless consumers of junk in a capitalist world.
Natalie said:
Going back to what this thread is originally about (and ignoring GK's immature comments :P) a 'conversation' I had the other day with a couple of my school friends got me very worried about modern society and the media. We were all talking about various memories and things we had shared, and we were about to say goodbye to each other (perhaps for the last time, who knows) and someone mentioned Paris Hilton. Then my friends spent the next 15 minutes discussing the various bits of news concerning this ridiculous celebrity. After 15 min. I got really frustrated and asked why in hell we were discussing Paris Hilton when we would be saying goodbye to each other and might not meet again ever (or at least until the next school reunion thing in 10 years). Someone turned round and said: 'Because she's what the media has been shoving in our faces for weeks and there is no news about anything else'. To which I sullenly replied that that was the reason I no longer watched the 'news'. And these people are supposed to be at least mildly intelligent and have all completed a rather rigorous high school education. So what have we all learned from school apart from reading, writing and some basic maths? To blindly follow what the media feeds us and to become mindless consumers of junk in a capitalist world.

PLEASE tell me they didn't like her hair do either. I mean, did you see the court sketch? GOOD LORD! can you say, HIDEOUS? And like she was going to fool the judge with her fake crying, PL-EEEAASE. How about what she was wearing? Or the fact that her "best friend" (yeah right) Nicole Richie was nowhere to be seen?.....
Yes. No. Maybe so. :p of course, I was seeing if such outburst would make you trek across Europe, swim the Atlantic and come at me with a kitchen knife :D
Natalie said:
Going back to what this thread is originally about (and ignoring GK's immature comments :P) a 'conversation' I had the other day with a couple of my school friends got me very worried about modern society and the media. We were all talking about various memories and things we had shared, and we were about to say goodbye to each other (perhaps for the last time, who knows) and someone mentioned Paris Hilton. Then my friends spent the next 15 minutes discussing the various bits of news concerning this ridiculous celebrity. After 15 min. I got really frustrated and asked why in hell we were discussing Paris Hilton when we would be saying goodbye to each other and might not meet again ever (or at least until the next school reunion thing in 10 years). Someone turned round and said: 'Because she's what the media has been shoving in our faces for weeks and there is no news about anything else'. To which I sullenly replied that that was the reason I no longer watched the 'news'. And these people are supposed to be at least mildly intelligent and have all completed a rather rigorous high school education. So what have we all learned from school apart from reading, writing and some basic maths? To blindly follow what the media feeds us and to become mindless consumers of junk in a capitalist world.

That's exactly what I am wondering about the kids I know.
Onhell said:
Yes. No. Maybe so. :p of course, I was seeing if such outburst would make you trek across Europe, swim the Atlantic and come at me with a kitchen knife :D

Excuse my not replying instantly, I am currently on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic, sharpening my ceremonial decapitation axe...
Natalie said:
Excuse my not replying instantly, I am currently on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic, sharpening my ceremonial decapitation axe...
I thought you'd be swimming, Natalie :P
When you're done with the axe, can I borrow it? There are some tabloid "journalists" in Sweden I'd like to "talk" to...

Oh, and Onhell:  :lol: :lol: I didn't like her hair either :ninja:
Sure you can borrow it Anomica ;)

Well no, I wouldn't be swimming when there was a boat. :P
Anomica said:
There are some tabloid "journalists" in Sweden I'd like to "talk" to...
Glad to see that the UK is not alone in having issues with tabloid journalism. ;)