
PM me your Opeth album rankings!
Staff member
Hey all! The skies are growing darker and the air is getting colder, which means it must be time for Maidenfans to talk about Opeth!

Here's how it works:

1: Each user will submit their rankings of the 13 Opeth studio albums to me via PM. The #1 album will receive 13 points, and #2 will receive 12, all the way down to #13 which will receive 1 point.

2: I will tally up the results and create a forum-wide ranking.

3: I will reveal the results one album at a time, starting at #13. This will be a more discussion based affair, since there will be no voting at this point.

So if you would like to participate, PM me your Opeth ranking from #1 (best) to #13 (worst). Any lists that ignore this format or don't include every Opeth studio album will be ignored! Any comments to this post with rankings will also be ignored, they must be sent via PM and no revisions!

You have until the end of the Metallica ranking game. I will do a "last call" when it's about to wrap up. I expect to start the game pretty much immediately after Metallica.

I want to give folks plenty of notice to revisit any albums they want, but I also want to get as many lists as possible so that we can get a more interesting ranking. If there are albums that you're less familiar with but still want to submit a list, now is your time to revisit those albums. But also if you rank an album last because you don't know it that well, I'm also not going to reject your list. I would rather you participate than not!

The Opeth discography for your reference:

My Arms, Your Hearse
Still Life
Blackwater Park
Ghost Reveries
Pale Communion
In Cauda Venenum
Yes, although if @Colin wants to revive his 11 year old account and send me an Opeth ranking, I will happily accept it provided he follows the rules!
I was hoping to do a run-through before now but it just never materialized. Haven't heard every Opeth record so unless you decide to postpone another month I'll have to sit this one out, curious how it'll shake up though.
I was hoping to do a run-through before now but it just never materialized. Haven't heard every Opeth record so unless you decide to postpone another month I'll have to sit this one out, curious how it'll shake up though.
Well definitely follow along with the thread so you can hear the albums from worst to best!
Hey, if my schedule is cleared out then I may, currently doing a Maiden listen that's taken up my time. I need to do a discography run at some point though, I promised a friend I would like 5-6 years ago and never finished it.
I love these games , but I have not listened to Opeth for about ten years, and I’m not familiar with the stuff before Blackwater park (I have given them a try, but that was a long time ago), so I’m not participating this time
It is now time to tabulate the results! Before we begin, our next game will be Black Sabbath. Feel free to submit lists now, I will post an official thread for this later, we will be sticking to the complete Black Sabbath studio discography.

This was a slightly lower participation game than the previous few, which probably comes as no surprise as Opeth is a lot more niche than the other bands I have been running games for. This resulted in a really unique list that I think will have more than a few surprises. It also led to some super tight results - just adding one more list could have made a huge difference in the final tabulation. I'm going to forego the guessing game for now just because I actually have a pretty big backlog of future game suggestions at this point, however if people want to guess for the fun of it, there was one tie in the game, and I will say it feels like a pretty random duo of albums.

Anyway, on to the results:

13: Heritage

Total score: 24

Highest score: 6 (@JudasMyGuide)
Lowest score: 1 (@Shmoolikipod, @Detective Beauregard, @Night Prowler, @MrKnickerbocker)

I think it's safe to say 13 years later that Heritage is still easily Opeth's most controversial album. Despite it representing a shift in style that would endure throughout the decade, it still feels the most removed from the band's signature sound. Generally this forum skews more to the band's metal side, but on another forum or with more participation I could see Heritage having results more all over the place. I remember seeing a lot of takes thinking Heritage was a masterpiece and the best thing they ever did along with the takes that it was actually the worst thing the band ever did. Obviously, this forum skews more toward the former.

I will defend Heritage a little bit just to the degree that I don't think it's the worst thing Opeth has done. I think there are a lot of interesting ideas on this album and I appreciate the way the album leans on more atmospheric and improvisational moments. I like that they went all in on the concept of making a classic progressive rock album. As a one off it's an interesting experiment. The problem is that they used it as a basis for their music going forward. Sorceress and ICV, to me, are much weaker efforts just because they feel like uninspired retreads of Heritage and with less interesting material to boot. Where Heritage feels comfortable in its element, some of the later material feels a lot more forced and more like a Metal band desperately trying not to be a metal band. I don't really hear those issues on Heritage.

With that being said, I am not going to pretend that Heritage contains anything particularly mindblowing and the album meanders quite a bit on several songs. As a tribute to 70s prog rock, it lacks a lot of the excitement and instrumental virtuosity found on those classic albums. It also misses memorable songs. I think it makes for a pleasant listening experience, but I would be lying if I said that I went back to any of those songs regularly. Devil's Orchard still rocks hard though.

I was hoping to do a run-through before now but it just never materialized. Haven't heard every Opeth record so unless you decide to postpone another month I'll have to sit this one out, curious how it'll shake up though.
I love these games , but I have not listened to Opeth for about ten years, and I’m not familiar with the stuff before Blackwater park (I have given them a try, but that was a long time ago), so I’m not participating this time
Not participating this time either ´cos I only heard 2 or 3 complete Opeth albums.
Quoting the above because I wanted to mention something different I would like to do for this game.
If you did not submit a list, feel free to follow along with the discography discussion and submit a ranking at the end of the game! Since this was a lower turnout game, I want to see how the results would differ with a different set of lists. Some wild results came in for this one!