I seem to recall the teaser for Force Awakens dropped first, then we got the behind the scenes stuff at Celebration in 2015.
First teaser for TFA was very early - November 2014. The second one was Celebration 2015 (April) and the behind the scenes was at Comic-Con later that summer. For Rogue One the first teaser dropped in April 2016 (right after TFA landed on Blu-Ray wrapping up its marketing run) and during Celebration 2016 in July they showed BTS stuff. So it's logical to imagine a similar scenario (month-wise) now - release Rogue One on Blu-Ray in the first week of April (rumoured) and then hit hard with The Last Jedi teaser at Celebration 2017 (April 13-16). Showing BTS before any teaser is a bad idea, even if both of them will be shown during one panel.I seem to recall the teaser for Force Awakens dropped first, then we got the behind the scenes stuff at Celebration in 2015.
This is my opinion as well. Have the Rebels win a Pyrrhic victory. Maybe disable it for a period, but destroying it was just...dumb.The new Death Star would've been justified if they didn't blow it up at the end.
Well sure, but that could've been at the end of the movie to set the stakes for the next one. Something similar to Return of the Jedi where the mission is to prevent the weapon from becoming operational, but they fail. Plus in context of the movie, destroying the Republic does level the playing field but then the advantage is quickly given back to the Resistance when Starkiller Base is destroyed.Devil's advocate: it wasn't completely pointless. Starkiller Base contributed to the story by blowing up the Republic's government, which sets up the political/military situation for VIII and IX. That being said, they could have come up with something else than another superweapon... Just a massive surprise assault for example.
It destroyed the Hosnian System. After the formation of the New Republic, they brought back the Senate and moved it from Coruscant. Different planets were hosting it one after another. You know, something like the World Cup.So I've watched the film twice, and I still have no clue as to what planets the Starkiller base destroyed.
I agree.I think that conversation from the book would add a lot to the film.
This is why TFA worked as well as it did. The name of the system or what planets were destroyed is minutiae. Show don't tell. What matters is that the Republic was destroyed and that's what they showed. The prequels would've had some convoluted political exposition for all of this instead.