I'm not a fan of Senjutsu Eddie. In fact, I'd say only TFF Eddie is worse. I believe that Eddie is a (former) human being. He started out with long hair, blue jeans and a t-shirt, wielding a bloody ax or toying with the devil, just like many of us. Had some time travel adventures and anatomical mishaps, but was still human into the 90s. Then someone made him into a tree, and he's been everything else and the kitchen sink since ... but his face has always remained human. You can tell by the teeth. It's an evil grin, but still an evil human grin. As a fan, it matters to me that in some way, Eddie is one of us, not just some random monster.
Senjutsu and TFF both turned up Eddie's teeth to eleven. Why do two of the new Eddie's lower teeth go through his lip like piercings? Why do some of his teeth point out of his mouth? That's just gonna make for some messy chewing. I know they want Eddie to look mean and scary, but Derek Riggs never had to throw away Eddie's humanity to do that. (Except for some of that Seventh Son stuff, like Eddie as hovering meatbag.)
Eddie looks best when he looks human. Killers. AMOLAD. SIT. TBOS. Appears to me that this cycle of Eddies won't be up there.