Infinite Dreamer
Historical or not it was pointless. PERSONAL OPINION, so don't piss your pants. I DO know the background and I didn't enjoy "Stauffenberg" or whatever getting shot, I enjoyed Cruise getting shot... big difference
I am SICK of WWII movie after WWII movie. "Oh we HAVE TO make a movie about this battle," "BUT WAIT, there was this, and there was that..." fucking sick of it. WWII and Vietnam that's all the fucking war movies out there. So, from an entertainment standpoint I'm fucking sick of it, we are flooded with it, if it isn't The History Channel it's Hollywood. Most movies about WWI are European (and there are only 13 if that). What about movies about tribal warfare in Africa? What about movies about South American revolutions? Etc.
What I meant by "pointless" is, as interesting as it is to know that there were Germans that weren't happy with Hitler, is THANKS to so many WWII movies (since WWII), the History Channel and basic history classes EVERYBODY and their grandmother knows Hitler commited suicide in his bunker. So I agree that it was suspenseful, they did a great job of that, but I didn't bite because I kept thinking, What's there to get excited about? It's obviously going to fail...
So there, continue to rip me a new one, like I care.

I am SICK of WWII movie after WWII movie. "Oh we HAVE TO make a movie about this battle," "BUT WAIT, there was this, and there was that..." fucking sick of it. WWII and Vietnam that's all the fucking war movies out there. So, from an entertainment standpoint I'm fucking sick of it, we are flooded with it, if it isn't The History Channel it's Hollywood. Most movies about WWI are European (and there are only 13 if that). What about movies about tribal warfare in Africa? What about movies about South American revolutions? Etc.
What I meant by "pointless" is, as interesting as it is to know that there were Germans that weren't happy with Hitler, is THANKS to so many WWII movies (since WWII), the History Channel and basic history classes EVERYBODY and their grandmother knows Hitler commited suicide in his bunker. So I agree that it was suspenseful, they did a great job of that, but I didn't bite because I kept thinking, What's there to get excited about? It's obviously going to fail...
What I did like was the follow up they did on several characters and how even the ones that wanted to stop Staufenberg (like the only one with the clearance to put Operation Valkeyrie in motion) were also executed. And the tidbit of how Valkeyrie was the last of at least 20 known assassination attempts by the Germans, THAT I did not know and was interesting to learn.
So there, continue to rip me a new one, like I care.