Finally saw Pirates of the Caribbean 3! It's released 2 days before the US release here :D
And I must say it's better than the 2nd film, and I gotta love the humor. I can't spoil anything, but the humor of the movie is crazy and fun. And LOTS of unexpected plot twists. Count on that.
I finally saw Spidey 3. I'd heard mixed reviews about it (well, mostly 'this is among the worst movies I have ever seen') but it turned out to be better than expected. Some really good effects with sandman and venom were done, but I admit that it would have been nice to see more of venom, especially since he's a real bad guy. Oh well, there's always the comic books! :D
Mmm...Donuts said:
Finally saw Pirates of the Caribbean 3! It's released 2 days before the US release here :D
And I must say it's better than the 2nd film, and I gotta love the humor. I can't spoil anything, but the humor of the movie is crazy and fun. And LOTS of unexpected plot twists. Count on that.

Donuts, buddy, this is the ONLY good review I've read/heard of this movie... Not to mention I'm already hating it because the theater I went to last night decided not to play the scheduled Hot Fuzz at 9:40 because of the midnight showing craze of Pirates... I was pissed to say the least, so I just went to buy some books :D
Yeah we all have our opinions, I seemed to enjoy it a lot though, but I'll point out my disappointments of the movie.
The final battle armada was useless.
Killed of Characters without a blaze of glory.
Sao Feng was near useless.
But I must admit I liked the action stuff.  ;)

And it has very mixed reviews, all ranting about the weird plot structure. The laughs were priceless though.
I have to say that I have hated both Spider-man 3 and Pirates 3, they were some of the worst movies I have ever sat through.

In Spider-man, the plot was too twisted for my liking, the characters boring and the villains just boring. Sandman was terrible and Venom barely featured, and when he did, it was crap. A bad end to a bad series. Thankfully, The Dark Knight (sequal to Batman Begins) is in production now, and a quality superhero film will be made! :D

Pirates was possibly worse, in my mind. The jokes were not funny in the least, the "action" was uninspired and the characters just annoyed me, specifically Keira Knightly and Orlando Bloom. The end was a total anti-climax, not that there was much of a build up to it in the first place. The first Pirates film was great, but the second and third rely too much on Jack Sparrow's character, which seemed natural in the first, and has been just milked for all its worth in the second and third.

Sorry about that, I just had to vent. 

Oh, and tR@nZf0rMurZ!!!!!!11111òneoneoneonewunwunwunetc.
I agree to some degree with Hunlord's rant on Pirates of the Carribean 3. The character of Jack Sparrow has been over-milked, it would have sufficed with one movie, the ending was rather...I dunno...unsatisfying, and in overall it was too long. 1/3 of the movie could have been cut quite easily, and the score was just a rehash of Gladiator but worse. Some of the jokes were funny, but  not really. In total therefore not a great movie, not even a good one, but the effects were nice and I'm glad I've seen it.

P.S. And yes the main characters (especially Knightley) annoyed me to distraction, that woman cannot act to save her life!
Natalie said:
P.S. And yes the main characters (especially Knightley) annoyed me to distraction, that woman cannot act to save her life!

She doesn't have to, she's HOT :p But Knightley had the same problem Portman had in Star Wars. they are both good actresses (good, not great, but they have potential), but in these movies, what can you expect?
Well, after seeing Knightley destroy Pride and Prejudice (ok, the director takes some blame too) I don't think she's a good actress. But to each his own least I agree that she's hot. :p

P.S. And oh yes, Portman is another very hot actress....but her full potential is not shown in Star Wars either.
Fortunately, Natalie Portman (who is indeed fucking hot) has shown her abilities in other (and, let's say it, better) movies, such as "The Professional".
Or Closer :D At any rate I saw pirates last night and thank you all for sinking my expectations so low that I actually thought it wasn't THAT bad. I really liked the focus on Barbosa and Keith Richards Cameo. It fulfield it's purpose, it killed three hours of my dead time, oh it really didn't feel like three hours. But yeah, I have my gripes to but again, I did enjoy it, laughed out loud three times and chuckled several others.
There was a Keith Richards cameo? :blink:

Closer was one...good...but for me a little confusing movie....I think I saw it at too young an age to appreciate all the subtleties...
Natalie said:
There was a Keith Richards cameo? :blink:
I've not seen the movie, but I understand that Keith Richards plays Jack Sparrow's father.
And during the filming, he fell off a palm tree, resulting in a broken back, resulting in two cancelled Stones gigs in Germany, one which I was supposed to go to (I managed to trade the ticket for the Berlin gig, though). Somebody in the audience had an inflatable rubber palm tree with him, which seemed to amuse Mr Richards quite a bit. ;)
I saw 'Blood Diamond'.  I was pretty good.  I've heard sayings that many girls don't like the movie because now they can't ask for diamond rings.  Well, it hasn't stopped my girlfriend.    ;)

DiCaprio has probably his best performance in the movie and the character Solomon is so convincingly naive.  It is highly emotional and DiCaprio has a way of making you care for his character even though he is an asshole.
The other day, I watched 'Airplane!' again.  If you haven't seen it yet, make sure you's a classic of parodic comedy.  The plot is as follows; after an airliner loses all pilots mid-flight due to food poisoning, ex-USAF pilot Ted Striker must land the plane at Chicago airport to save the lives of everyone on board.  Basically, it takes the piss out of everything in any 'Airport' movie.  My personal favourite scene is this little number...

'Tell me Joey, have you ever seen a grown man naked?' :D
Well, as Khan mentioned in the Now Reading thread, Alive the movie was awesome. They begin with an Older Carlos Paez retelling the events and then they go on to the plane flying over the Andes (the movie was shot in the Canadian Rockies) and follows the book very closely, even in dialoge. Where it diverts is that it doesn't follow the efforts of the parents, who some, even after 2 months of searching, never lost hope and others simply wanted to find the bodies AND it focuses Nando Parrado, played by Ethan Hawk. In the book Piers Read says the natural leader was Alberto Moriel (or something like that) the captian of the rugby team and by extension the leader of the group of survivors, shortly before his death though (he is crushed in the avalanche along with 8 others), the Straunch cousins, Fito, Eduardo and Daniel emerge as the ones running the show and they run a very tight ship. If it weren't for them all hell would have brocken loose. Instead, the movie focuses on Nando, he was out cold for several days, but when he wakes up quickly wants to get off on his own, he is the one to suggest they eat the dead. In other words, it is no surprise to me that an American film chooses to focus on a single "couragous" individual, when the book stressed how close they were as a community and team. All in all a faithful, well done film of the events. Actually seeing the crash was the most interesting aspect to me.
I'm glad you liked it Onhell.

Recently, I saw 'Pursuit of Happyness'.  (Gotta love the spelling  ::)).  I cringed when I saw the spelling and it was the reason why I held off watching it for so long.  But, the movie was good.  Smith plays a great character with great acting skills; his kid is not bad either.  I was surprized to learn it was based off a true person/story.  No surprize, to highlight Onhell's point above, the movie emphasizes rugged individuality, the drive to succeed, grit and passion, all of which are lauded as great American traits.  I must admit I wanted to see him succeed.  The movie would have been disappointing had he fallen flat on his face.  I have to wonder though, how could a kid put up with all that unstable lifestyle?  Would not the authorities request that the kid go to school on a regular basis?  Unless I missed something, Smith's character cheated on more than his taxes.
Recently my reading for fun habit has decreased to a virtual non-existance.  I've too much school related stuff to do.