I just bought tickets for Age of Ultron. Ridiculous price (about £4,15 or €5.8 or $6.3) and shit seats, but at least it's the premiere... and I'm gonna see it twice anyway. I just hope my friends don't kill me when I tell them :P
Apparently the distributor insisted on a higher return than usual for ticket sales. Small German cinemas have been refusing to show it as a result.
It's cheap compared to other countries, but Serbia has a much lower standard. Actually this is the most I've ever paid for a cinema ticket.

Usual prices are £3 or €4.15 or $4.5, and yet I always struggle to find people to go to cinema with... everyone would rather watch a cam video or wait months for a DVD rip than pay that much <_<
According to my sister, who is a theatre manager for one of Canada's largest theatre chains, there is a huge push to make this the biggest everything ever. Getting a little bit more money at each theatre is part of that.
Just saw Insurgent last night for free. It was pretty decent for a teen movie. Kate Winslet is cool.

Seeing Avengers: AoU on Friday! Super stoked. Is the inflated ticket price only an issue overseas? Cause I paid $6/ticket for a matinee show and that's the average price.