They were going to be one of the bands to play in the hypothetical film Dune by Jodorowsky in the 70's. HR Giger one of the artist who was working for the film was a Magma fan and he also was the cover artist for a couple of the band's albums. He said to the director Jodorowsky that they would be a fantastic band to write and play the soundtrack for the Harkonens –the bad ones–.
They were going to be one of the bands to play in the hypothetical film Dune by Jodorowsky in the 70's. HR Giger one of the artist who was working for the film was a Magma fan and he also was the cover artist for a couple of the band's albums. He said to the director Jodorowsky that they would be a fantastic band to write and play the soundtrack for the Harkonens –the bad ones–.