Was listening to this album today, and, fuck, how long a way can a song like this travel. From a filler track that most probably ended up on the album as an outtake from AMOLAD and helped to make the first half of the album so weak to .. well, not exactly my top 5 or top 10 song, sod the hyperbole, but let's just say I very much like it nowadays anyway.

Just one thing - instead of "holy man // hollow man" in the second verse, I'd personally think about using "hallow" in the older sense of a cleric or a holy person, because the words are closer to each other. But then again, who am I to judge, with my English idiosyncracies.
Was listening to this album today, and, fuck, how long a way can a song like this travel. From a filler track that most probably ended up on the album as an outtake from AMOLAD and helped to make the first half of the album so weak to .. well, not exactly my top 5 or top 10 song, sod the hyperbole, but let's just say I very much like it nowadays anyway.
It had the same trajectory for me, most of side 1 did actually. I wonder how much time will still change the consensus opinion on it.
It had the same trajectory for me, most of side 1 did actually. I wonder how much time will still change the consensus opinion on it.

Unfortunately, on this forum at least the opinion seems to have changed for the worse - the overall popularity of the album has dropped significantly since the time it was freshly out, but it can always make a turnaround.
My father discovered what the screaming red face album is. Claims he's addicted. It's kind of funny to hear in the secure space but hey, I'm not arguing. Actually half a year ago my friend shared it with me too, which he rarely does. Talk about timelessness!

Was listening to this album today, and, fuck, how long a way can a song like this travel. From a filler track that most probably ended up on the album as an outtake from AMOLAD and helped to make the first half of the album so weak to .. well, not exactly my top 5 or top 10 song, sod the hyperbole, but let's just say I very much like it nowadays anyway.
I liked it at first, then years later not so much, now I like it a bit more. It's interesting how opinions can change over time. My problem with it is the very high chorus for Bruce and the longer intro, which the album is full of. ''Mother Of Mercy'' indeed has an AMOLAD vibe and it's a very effective song. Heavier with melodic approaches (not that much songs like it in the discography), the tempo is good, it has energy and I like Adrian's tone.

TFF is an interesting and quality album and I liked it better when it was released. I just happen to prefer other albums/songs as a whole. The songs positions are odd. Experimental album, shorter solos, different instrumental sections or arrangements, shorter title track, more riffing than the next 2 albums, Janick with less action..