I remember hearing this song for the first time - over three years ago, we were still in our old apartment with only two kids, I was sick and having fever and feeling like shite and I was listening to the leak of the album and playing Diablo II to improve my mood at least somewhat.

And you know what? Recency bias my ass, three years later this song is firmly in my Maiden Top 5.

I remember hearing this song for the first time - over three years ago, we were still in our old apartment with only two kids, I was sick and having fever and feeling like shite and I was listening to the leak of the album and playing Diablo II to improve my mood at least somewhat.

And you know what? Recency bias my ass, three years later this song is firmly in my Maiden Top 5.
Last four minutes or so is pure genius.
Same here. And it was obvious. If ''Hell On Earth'' had another repeat or two of the chorus - then it would have been my ultimate Maiden song. It's pretty close even now.

Shhhh, let me tell you a secret.

I actually love it so much  because it does not repeat the chorus. I find the structure extraordinarily refreshing.
Dream Theater- Sacrificed Sons

September 11th
I'll be wearing my shirt today that I bought months ago at the September 11 Museum in NY

Okay, you convinced me:


Not only still the best Springsteen album, but the only album of his I still give a spin from time to time nowadays. I really dislike music/albums/songs being topical, but this is one of the very few examples where it actually improves the result very much.