While I like the concept a lot it annoys me a bit that only 2 songs are from their early albums (from the fourth and fifth) while everything else is from Hymns For The Broken and onwards. An entire NINE songs out of 15 are from the most recent album. Ironic to call this "From Dark Discoveries" and then not to feature a single song from the Dark Discovery lol
Maybe there's an unknown deluxe version of this album out there :lol:
Bruce Dickinson - Cyclops :rocker:

A solid long song with a haunting groove. I like the main riff and the slow tempo, but the guitar effects were not needed imo. The powerful chorus (even the post-chorus) and Roy's 1st Egyptian solo are great. The highlight is the outro with the melody and the high vocals (while Roy's 2nd short solo is not bad). One of Bruce's mystical sounding songs that could have been even heavier had it been recorded a few years later (as Bruce had said).

I don't think this is a great album as a whole piece, the songs sound samey. Their weakest 80's album imo. I only like Wild Child, Diamonds, Texas, Cries In The Night, the title track - and the bonus song Savage.
Well You said almost of all songs :lol: . When I rate an album is because my likes. To me it's a bloody good album. I remember it when I had it on tape and it reminded me nice memories too.
Here's a 2021 version of an old Dark Millennium song (1991 demo, originally). They were so ahead of their time that they disbanded in 1993 but got together again in 2016 or some time around.
Video is absolutely ridiculous of course but at least @Jer can have five singers to complain about rather than just one.
I guess someone in Dark Millennium was really into Sabbat.
As I might have mentioned before, DM's Beyond The Dragon's Eye has always reminded me of Sabbat's Advent Of Insanity, even though they are entirely different, and maybe it is not a coincidence that the only huge Dark Millennium fan and the only huge Sabbat fan I met while at the university were the same person.
