So I finally finished Witcher III, that is, the second DLC. Now I'm just tying up some loose ends (2-3 sidequests still hanging) and I'm probably gonna uninstall it today (not bothering with all the gear or the gwent cards - some question marks are still unanswered and shall probably remain so). Almost two years and there were some really intense sessions (there were times when I played almost a whole day).
Not a bad investment, indeed. Although it got tiring throughout near the end. You know, it's really great. The story, the characters, it's just all high quality. But there's just... you know... too much of the good thing. Oh and the DLCs subplots are thousand times better than that of the game proper. But then again, I never liked the books either. And Geralt as a protagonist... is much better than his book counterpart, but I still don't like him.
The main problem is, the books feel as if they've been made by a 15-year old for fellow 15-year olds. And the games got this really great team that did what they could and done amazing job, really, it's the best possible incarnation and so much better than the books... but still, the limits the books set are still there.
But still, a must play, really.