Now Playing (Video Games)

Battlemaniacs said:
A few weeks ago I was really into Twilight Princess but I have completed now. Still have a couple of things to get like the golden bugs or heart containers.

On Wii or Gamecube?  I want to get this, but I don't think it's worth it at the minute, as I don't have the time to invest in it.
I don't play video games a lot but a few of my favourites are:
  • Championship Manager 03/04 which is quite addictive.
  • Super Mario World which I had for the snes and have now downloaded it as an emulator.
  • Goldeneye which I have as an emulator but some of the levels break :(  I loved it for the N64, the multiplayer was great.
  • Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  Nostalgia :blush:

I have played the XBOX 360 and own a PS2 but I dislike them.  I feel that a lot of modern video games sacrifice gameplay for graphics.  Nintendos are still the best consoles IMO but PCs are also good for emulators.
I just got to play a Wii.  Ohmygod.  What a brilliant system.  I think I spent two hours doing Wii Boxing.  It's simple, you hold the controller and nunchuck in your hand, move your fists, block...same with tennis, bowling, baseball, golf.  The graphics are simple, and don't even come close to the Wii's potential, but the gameplay?  Phenominal.

"I coulda been a contender!"
The Wii also has one advantage over other systems, it is COMPLETELY backwards compatible with ANY game EVER made by Nintendo and Sega. It can immidiately play Gamecube games and you can download (prices vary from 5-8 dollars I think) all the old games, which beats the Xbox' limited backwards compatibility and I don't know about the playstation, but it doesn't have that big of a library and honestly, fewer classic games.
Onhell said:
The Wii also has one advantage over other systems, it is COMPLETELY backwards compatible with ANY game EVER made by Nintendo and Sega. It can immidiately play Gamecube games and you can download (prices vary from 5-8 dollars I think) all the old games, which beats the Xbox' limited backwards compatibility and I don't know about the playstation, but it doesn't have that big of a library and honestly, fewer classic games.

There have been some concerns about the quality of the games you download (in terms of visuals).  For example. the downloaded version of the original Legend of Zelda is much darker than on the NES.  There have also been some broken TV screens due to flying nunchuks, but I think this is more down to people getting over-excited than a problem with the wriststrap.

And another advantage that the Wii has is that Nintendo aren't trying to compete with it; they don't feel pressured to follow the trend, and they have both the resources to try such a bold system in the market.  This, I feel, makes it much more user-friendly, and Nintendo's addition of the 'classic' controller as an optional pheriphal is a brilliant move; it means that developers can't be lazy and take it that people will use the classic controller, so they have to develop for the Wiimote.

However, I still won't be getting one, for one main reason; I have no time to play video games that much.  Maybe when I'm a student.... :D
I shall be getting a DS next Monday, if Santa is good to me that is. ;) I've played a good few games for it, and its just an amazing device. Nintendo has begun a new phase of gaming that is based on playability rather than better graphics, as is what I think that Sony and Microsoft are doing. I am and have always been a Nintendo man through and through and will remain one.
Onhell said:
The Wii also has one advantage over other systems, it is COMPLETELY backwards compatible with ANY game EVER made by Nintendo and Sega. It can immidiately play Gamecube games and you can download (prices vary from 5-8 dollars I think) all the old games, which beats the Xbox' limited backwards compatibility and I don't know about the playstation, but it doesn't have that big of a library and honestly, fewer classic games.

True, most games today try to add way too much graphics and forget depth. A lot of SNES games ARE outstanding imo, since of their depth.
The PS3 is also backwards compatible to any PS1 and PS2 game too, though it's too bad the 360 isn't.
Im with Jackknife, FarCry kicks some ass. Also just started Indigo Prophecy, very different. Play them as they become affordable. Just waiting for Call of Duty3 to be within reach.
Raven said:
On Wii or Gamecube?  I want to get this, but I don't think it's worth it at the minute, as I don't have the time to invest in it.
I got the Wii version. Still have to play with friends but I plan to make a "party" when the basement will be completed.
Well, I'm finally getting near to actually beating Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones...the first time round.  I've then got loads of bonuses to unlock, and another Fire Emblem game in my room that I haven't finished, either...

In other gaming news, I'm trying to get all gold medals on Star Wars Rogue Squadron: Rogue Leader.  This is a fantastic game (and one of the first Gamecube releases!) with all-round epicness, and I managed to (finally!) nail those bloody TIE fighters on the 'Death Star Escape' level (You operate the gun turret on the Millenium Falcon) in under 1:20.  This is mainly directed at Hunlord, who I know is both a Gamecube owner and Star Wars fan, and will hopefully have this game...otherwise, I'm just having a nice, long, monologue.  Personally, I quite like monologues.  Really, I do...they're very...hey, where are you going....?!
Raven said:
In other gaming news, I'm trying to get all gold medals on Star Wars Rogue Squadron: Rogue Leader.  This is a fantastic game (and one of the first Gamecube releases!) with all-round epicness, and I managed to (finally!) nail those bloody TIE fighters on the 'Death Star Escape' level (You operate the gun turret on the Millenium Falcon) in under 1:20.  This is mainly directed at Hunlord, who I know is both a Gamecube owner and Star Wars fan, and will hopefully have this game...otherwise, I'm just having a nice, long, monologue.
Yep, brilliant game, one of the best that the Gamecube has to offer. I got all gold medals in all the missions, so you have found your new god, Silky.  :innocent: Other Gamecube games that deserve a mention are Resident Evil 1 (Remake with better graphics and more stuff), Resident Evil 4 (no zombies, but savage game nonetheless), Metroid Prime (just amazing), Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (not as good as its predecessor, but still a fun game) and Eternal Darkness (sort of an adventure type game, with spells and stuff).

Well, I was a good boy and Santa brought me my DS so now I'm currently playing Metroid Prime Hunters (excellent), Super Mario 64 DS (excellent), Mario Kart DS (excellent) and Resident Evil Deadly Silence (excellent).

Well boys and girls, that's all for Hunlord's Games That I Play This Week segment. Tune in next week for updates. Same bat time, same bat channel!
Well Santy Clause brought me the Family Guy video game and I must say that it is much better than I expected.  It is quite addictive although easy and short.  I finished it today and it will never be taken out of its box again.  Go capitalism!
Hunlord said:
Yep, brilliant game, one of the best that the Gamecube has to offer. I got all gold medals in all the missions, so you have found your new god, Silky.  :innocent:


Other Gamecube games that deserve a mention are Resident Evil 1 (Remake with better graphics and more stuff), Resident Evil 4 (no zombies, but savage game nonetheless), Metroid Prime (just amazing), Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (not as good as its predecessor, but still a fun game) and Eternal Darkness (sort of an adventure type game, with spells and stuff).

I haven't played RE:Make, but all those you mention are incredible.  Metroid Prime was a pure joy to play, and I still kick myself at trading in Eternal Darkness (I may pick it up again someday)...the sanity effects in it were hilarious (especially the 'blue screen of death'). 

However, one of the best Gamecube games I have yet to find is one of its oldest (Rogue Leader being one of the launch titles, this was another, I believe); Super Smash Bros. Melee.  The sheer scale of this game is impressive...unlike most 100+ hour games, you can happily pick up the game and play it for 5 minutes, or an hour, or continue playing it for a month.  The amount of characters, stages, trophies, and modes to unlock is phenomenal, and it is one of those 'easy to pick up, difficult to master' games that everyone loves.
Raven said:
However, one of the best Gamecube games I have yet to find is one of its oldest (Rogue Leader being one of the launch titles, this was another, I believe); Super Smash Bros. Melee.  The sheer scale of this game is impressive...unlike most 100+ hour games, you can happily pick up the game and play it for 5 minutes, or an hour, or continue playing it for a month.  The amount of characters, stages, trophies, and modes to unlock is phenomenal, and it is one of those 'easy to pick up, difficult to master' games that everyone loves.
I had that myself, it was one of the two original games that I had, fun for a bit, but then it got boring for me, so I traded it in. The problem is that once you unlock all the characters except Game & Watch, everything is just a repeat of what you have done before. Game & Watch requires something like 1000 versus battles to unlock, and I just wasn't bothered wasting all that time. Its a good game with friends, but when played alone, gets old quite quickly.
I'm playing an extremely fun game, WWE Smackdown VS. RAW 2007, it's extemely addictive, and also a brilliant game... GOD OF WAR, it's just amazing, the graphics, the gameplay, everything, it's awesome.
Anomica said:
I've always enjoyed some Civilization and right now it's Civ 4 with add-on. That's a really immersive game and "The mother of RTS's" ;) I think it's much more entertaining than AOE.


I'm currently playing with the Indians; kicked Augustus Caesar in the nuts than ran away.  I plan on eliminating the Ruskies before they get stronger, but my ally Brennus loves them for some reason.  Dumbass!  Doesn't he know that Stalin is evil?  Sheesh!
Right now, I don't play regularly, but some of my favourites are Rome Total war, Medieval TW(I'm thinking about getting the sequel of this one. I keep hearing how tremendously superb it is), the almighty games from the CIVILISATION series(I even played CIV 2 on PS one some 5 years ago), of course, PES, Morrowind(even though it's 4 or 5 years old I strongly recommend this game :ok: it is huge, lets you do whatever you want, open-ended, interesting and has a great atmosphere, especially if you like some mystery and darkness in your atmosphere occassionally. :ninja: