Musings of an old headbanger...


Cannon Fodder
As a fairly recent member of this forum, it has not taken long for me to realize that as a Maidenfan, I seem to be quite out of step with a sizeable portion of the other members regarding likes and dislikes. Not too surprising considering the differences in age, background, location, etc. What matters is that we all agree on the basic fact that Maiden rules. That's why we're here. So here's my conundrum... Reviewing my posts on the X Factor song threads will show that I'm not much of a Blaze Bayley fan, although I try to refrain from bashing the guy. I actually have huge respect for him for stepping into a pretty thankless gig... it took big balls. But when we soon arrive at the Virtual XI song rankings, my comments and ratings will be worse, because I find most of that album pretty abyssmal. Should I bail out and then jump back on board for Brave New World? I respect that this forum will act as a historical document of sorts, and I don't want to come across as a stain on it. Gotta call it as I hear it though... As I've mentioned, I've actually made a concerted effort to try to appreciate Bayley's work (including solo stuff), but very little of it lights much of a fire under my ass. Any thoughts?
A wise man once said "Opinions are like Assholes, we all have them". I think it is very necessary to hear opinions from people who didn't like the Blaze era as much as others. As long as you're opinion is posted intelligently and open-minded, I don't think anyone would have a problem with it. If everyone on this forum had the same opinion, then it would be a rather boring forum. Differences of opinions result in very interesting discussions and make it a much better place. Otherwise someone would post something like "Blaze is awesome", and the next post would be "yea I agree". A good example is youtube, if you posted a comment saying you dislike a certain song (even if it is posted intelligently) you would be ripped to shreds for ten pages.

I think posting your distaste for the Blaze era would result in some very interesting discussions. So not only do I encourage you to, I insist that you do.

That being said, I think I'm gonna start posting in the Daily Song Threads. To Prowler I go!
I'd be pissed if you didn't.
The views of the old guard need to be heard.
Who else over 40 is posting regularly on the daily threads?
Me, you, Albie...?
I, too, think that it's important that all voices are heard. Not just because I am running a project that I want to represent all viewpoints - I didn't dick off at FotD because I don't think it's the best album, I'm not going to block Jeffmetal when we get to AMOLAD. Opinions are welcome, as long as they are not bashing.

You don't bash Blaze; you dislike him. There is a world of difference.
taker64 said:
But when we soon arrive at the Virtual XI song rankings, my comments and ratings will be worse, because I find most of that album pretty abyssmal. Should I bail out and then jump back on board for Brave New World?

No, stay around when that album comes. There are more people who dislike it.
I think you are surprised to see so many positive comments about TXF but you'll see some differences when we arrive to VXI.

And besides, others have trashed other albums, so why could you not say what you feel about this record. I think you can do this more respectfully than a few other posters have done.

I say: For the total picture (1. of the album, and 2. of your own album judgements) it would be good if you would not skip it.
taker64 said:
I'm not much of a Blaze Bayley fan...
The thing about Blaze, from my point of view, is that I was a big fan of Wolfsbane before he was even considered for Maiden, or more precisely before Bruce was even thinking of jumping ship. When he was touted as the front-runner for the job, I was pleased that they would choose him ("He is the epitome of metal and the right man to take Maiden further." - so said Kerrang before his appointment). And I was not disappointed either. Both albums are excellent in my opinion, but Virtual XI shades it. So post your thoughts on VXI, I say, it's your opinion. If you don't like it, then fair enough. :)
I don't hate Blaze either, afterall his recruitment did allow the band to continue.   However the albums he sang on are the weakest in the catalogue in my opinion.

Both of those albums have some decent tracks, but they're definately the albums I listen to the least.

I've never heard Blaze outside of Maiden, some day I might pick up a copy of "Silicon Messiah" and give it a go...
The X Factor is and always will be in my top 5 Maiden albums.  That album is very dark and morose, and Blaze fits it perfectly.  VXI, on the other hand, has great song writing and ideas, but is brought down by bad production, and Blaze's voice doesn't really fit with what they were trying to do though.  However, Blaze is still an awesome singer. 

As a side note, I had an epiphany the other day of the band that is meant for Blaze's voice....Black Sabbath!!!!  He has that doomy edge that Ozzy had in the 70s, but also has the rock and roll grit of Dio.  Iommi, Butler, and Ward should seriously call this dude and say fuck Ozzy.
chaosapiant said:
As a side note, I had an epiphany the other day of the band that is meant for Blaze's voice....Black Sabbath!!!!  He has that doomy edge that Ozzy had in the 70s, but also has the rock and roll grit of Dio.  Iommi, Butler, and Ward should seriously call this dude and say fuck Ozzy.
:ok: That would be a perfect fit.
I hope the band is reading this.
I like The X Factor but Virtual is my least favourite album, together with Dance of Death, even if DOD has Paschendale....And I'm sure my song votes will reflect this also.
I believe opinions should be heard so long as they are opinions and not trash talk.. Too much ranting and garbage has been spewed and quite frankly it's insulting to bad mouth a band that you claim to love.

Not liking Blaze is cool. It’s your opinion. At least you said it right and don’t insult him.

Remember when Jannick joined? Damn the insults were flying!!!!!

I think people realized that he was a great addition in the live and song-writing forum. (Also, he got Dave to dance around a bit too).

People that bash the band over decisions obviously aren’t fans and really shouldn’t be listening. You stick with your band…..if you like. If you don’t, you stop listening to them. Period.
Let's face it, Blaze is so much better with his own band than he was in Maiden. He sings better there, the music is far better there. He just did not fit Maiden.
I agree about him being better in his own band, but I think he fit in maiden for the time he was there. He wasn't as good live but I think he did a fine job at holding things together until Bruce came back. Even though I don't like his voice and The X Factor as much as others, I still respect what he did for Maiden in the 90's.
The place Blaze didn't fit was with the expectations, not the music. I think that he sang the stuff he wrote with Maiden fantastically. I think they put him out to dry by making him sing songs like Hallowed and RTTH.
I haven't listened to much of the Live Concerts but I think Bruce song much better on songs like The Clansman. While on the other hand, he didn't sing too well on songs like LOTF. I think Virtual XI was hit or miss for him. When Two Worlds Collide is incredible, but clansman is really bad. IMO