Most overrated Maiden album?

The debut. It’s just not very good, and the eponymous track is dreadful.

Honorable mention to The Number Of The Beast, which is half excellent and half mediocre, yet heralded as an all-time classic overall.
This also won’t be a popular opinion, but I have always said Powerslave.

I grew up listening to Maiden post-2000. What made them appeal to me was how they switched between heavy and clean sections with melody running all the way through.

When I was buying the back catalogue, everyone was telling me to get Powerslave. So I did and it didn’t wow we. To me the album is very samey with very little light and shade. Sure the band are on fire but it doesn’t click with me as much as the rest of the 80’s catalogue.
This will be a very unpopular opinion, but for me it’s AMOLAD.

While I appreciate the high level of musical expertise, overall the mood is just too relentlessly miserably dark and depressing for my taste.
This. Second would be BNW.
Anything from 80 to 84 could qualify, but I'll go for Powerslave, even though I think it is a much better album than the four that released before it. It has three fantastic songs, but also a bunch of songs with amazing ideas that fail to meaningfully connect them. So many phenomenal instrumental sections and guitar work ruined by literal howling and some utterly painful vocal lines. Impressive pitches, but they don't sound good.
First of all, I genuinely love every single Maiden album.

That said, I'd definitely say Somewhere in Time is the most overrated by the general fandom, closely followed by the debut and The Number of the Beast.
So many phenomenal instrumental sections and guitar work ruined by literal howling and some utterly painful vocal lines. Impressive pitches, but they don't sound good.
Funny, I'd argue this rather applies to Somewhere in Time. Bruce sounds quite shouty and borderline out of tune on much of it (as if he tries to hard to make up for how beat up his voice was after the World Slavery Tour). On Powerslave his singing is powerful and absolutely on point.
This also won’t be a popular opinion, but I have always said Powerslave - To me the album is very samey with very little light and shade.
Interesting argument, I have no problem (other than some songs have really short solos), but it's true.
But for me it is not well produced...
Isn't BNW regarded as one of the best produced Maiden albums.
Honorable mention to The Number Of The Beast, which is half excellent and half mediocre, yet heralded as an all-time classic overall.
It's not fair what 2 songs can do to the rest of the album...
I know I'm gonna get crucified for this, but: Somewhere in Time. To my ears, Sea of Madness, TLOTLDR and Déja Vu have "filler" written all over them, and Heaven Can Wait is probably the least interesting song of the "classic" period. Bruce is abysmal on some of these tracks, and I have yet to talk to a die-hard, table-pounding SIT fanatic who won't admit that in the end. I do enjoy the tracks I mentioned, but the only parts that really stick out to me are the instrumental section of Sea of Madness and the intro to Long-Distance Runner. Of course, CSIT, Wasted Years, SIASL and Alex are timeless classics, I won't deny that.

SIT has had a weird career in fan reception. In the early 2000s, my feeling was that it was the lowest rated of the First Seven, and it was mostly a small group of die-hard nerds who held it in such high esteem. General opinion was that it was the most dated and commercial sounding of their albums. I was actually one of the people who liked it better than the average Maiden fan. And then came SBIT and the album's under-representation in the setlist, and as these things go, when something is obscure and under-represented, it has to turn into the Best Thing Ever, and suddenly everyone thought it was the Great Underappreciated Classic, and it became their One Great Masterpiece, and there developed a mass hysteria about ATG having to be played live. Maybe the 80's nostalgia juggernaut that overwhelmed us in the 2010s also contributed, I don't know. I also don't know if I believe the general fan hive really appreciates the album and its deep cuts any more now, and isn't just caught up by the album art, the 80's vibe and Alexander The Forgotten Epic. I've seen too many bandwagon movements in my life to be convinced
That said, I'd definitely say Somewhere in Time is the most overrated by the general fandom, closely followed by the debut and The Number of the Beast.

I'd say NOTB is ridiculously overrated by the "general" fandom (and the general populace) while SIT is incredibly overrated by the "fandom" fandom, if you know what I mean.