Mosh’s Top 16 Maiden Albums

3. Piece of Mind 10/10
The Trooper and Revelations are o v e r p l a y e d, o v e r r a t e d, and o v e r e x p o s e d. The other songs are masterpieces though.
If Somewhere in Time is not number one then all feelings are lost and we are no longer friends.
1: Somewhere In Time 11/10
Not only is this the greatest Maiden album, but it’s the best album in the history of music. This is from Maiden’s glory days, before Steve Harris ruined the band by writing repetitive choruses all the time. They took a huge risk too with the sound. How many metal bands were using synthesizers in the mid-80s? Maiden are innovators. I just wish they’d play more from it live. It’s too bad Bruce Dickinson despises this album and refuses to give the fans (and the rest of the band) what they really want. I’m 100% certain they’ll play Alexander the Great on the 2019 leg of the LOTB tour though. A game dev told me so.