Metallica OR Megadeth?

Which band does it to you better?

  • Metallica

    Votes: 19 43.2%
  • Megadeth

    Votes: 25 56.8%

  • Total voters


Since we started discussing Metallica in the Maiden forum, I figured I'd like to fiddle here with one of the oldest discussion in the heavy metal book. Megadeth and Metallica's early years were rather intertwined, especially thanks to Megadeth's frontman who was hired as Metallica's second guitarist back in thd very early 80s. Bad attitude, drug and alcohol abuse and generaly a lousy connection with (eventually) most of the band which climaxed in a fist fight between Mustain and Hetfield and later Mustaine got kicked out, gathered a few musicians and formed Megadeth.

So, since then most of the metalheads I know are very determined about it: It's either Metallica or it's Megdeth, but you can't like both. I couldn't really care less, but after that long introduction I'd like raise the question of which band you prefer musically? I for one have only started listening to Metallica a few months ago, but I know some of their stuff and I have to say that I prefer Mustaine's "approach" to thrash metal, I think he's a more talented vocalist than Hetfield and a much more talented guitarist than Hemmet.
I also think that Marty Fridman and Chris Poland (also lead guitarists for Megadeth are more talented than Hemmet. Plus, I find the song structures and solos on Megadeth songs more interesting and intriguing than Metallica's. Lastly, I, as a drummer, is really awed by the drumming style in most of Megadeth's albums - Hell, Mick Menza on the Rust in Peace album? Wow!

Anyway, that's just my 2 cents (perhaps 20 cents, I hope I didn't write too much :p) So I'd like to know what you think of the whole matter? Which band do you like better?
pilau said:
Megadeth and Metallica's early years were rather intertwined, especially thanks to Megadeth's frontman who was hired as Metallica's second guitarist back in thd very early 80s.

Say what?

That is really badly written. It implies the following: "The frontman of Megadeth was hired away from that band to become the second guitarist in Metallica." I had to read it twice before I understood what you meant.

I believe you meant to say something like: "Megadeth was founded by a former member of Metallica." The word "former" makes the chronological sequence clear.

Further, aside from Mustaine's time in Metallica, their careers were not at all intertwined. That was the only involvement they had with each other. Megadeth has always operated independently of Metallica. By your logic, the careers of Cream and Led Zeppelin were intertwined because Clapton and Page were both in the Yardbirds.

pilau said:
So, since then most of the metalheads I know are very determined about it: It's either Metallica or it's Megdeth, but you can't like both.

Say what?

I have never met a single person with that attitude. Most metalheads I know like both.

As to your question of which I prefer: Metallica.
I greatly enjoy Megadeth's music, and your reasons for supporting Megadeth have some validity. But Metallica is the first band I ever saw live (I was 20 feet from Cliff Burton, woohoo!) and they're my sentimental favorite.
I LOVE Mustaine's sense of humor and his "love" songs (break up songs is more like it), but I like both bands equally.
I can't say I listen to much of either band anymore, however I'd probably go for Metallica.I find Megadeth kind of cheesy somehow if I see any live shots of them on MTV or something.I don't mind the earlier stuff like Devils Island.

If you expand the question to include all of the so called big four i.e include Slayer and Anthrax then I'd probably go for Slayer.
Tough to tell.  I think I would pick Metallica because they have some songs that are simply better than anything I think Megadeth's put out.  But on the second hand, I think Megadeth has had a longer and more productive career, with albums of greater quality than those of Metallica's, on the whole.

I like them both.
Hunlord said:
Neither, they're both overrated and shite. :)

Your smiley somewhat doesn't fit the end of that sentence. ;)

For a lot of sentimental reasons, I'd have to say Megadeth is the band which is more important to me.  But right now at least, I haven't been listening to much Megadeth, whereas I've been hugely into Metallica.  Almost every song on Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning gave me the chills today when listening to the albums.  I'm still contemplating whether to buy tickets for Metallica's show from an online auction (about 100 euros probably, 20 euros more expensive than the original price), since they are one of the first metal bands I got into (before Maiden, even), or whether to spend a bit less on Heaven and Hell.  I can't afford both.

But back to the subject of Metallica vs Megadeth, I feel Megadeth is going much stronger recently.  They've got the best line-up since the Mustaine-Friedman-Ellefson-Menza line-up, made a fantastic album (stronger than Death Magnetic IMO) two years ago and are making a new one right now, and overall seem more down-to-earth than Metallica (which, in thrash metal especially, is important).  I also enjoy very much how Dave (and the other band members too) communicates to the fans via internet, which is damn more personal than Metallica.

Oh, and in terms of technical skill (also in vocals), I think Megadeth (Dave especially) are far superior to Metallica. 
For me, it's a tough call. If we're going by statistics, Megadeth would win. They have produced more albums that I consider 'good' than Metallica. In detail, I would say following Metallica albums are good:
Kill 'em All, Ride The Lightning,Master Of Puppets, ...And Justice For All, Metallica, Death Magnetic
vs Megadeth's output:
Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good!, Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?, So Far... So Good... So What!, Rust In Peace, Countdown To Extinction, Youthanasia, The System Has Failed (I haven't heard United Abominations completely yet, but from a strict musical point of view, I like what I heard so far).

That's six albums vs seven (or perhaps eight). By pure numbers, Megadeth would win.

However, I would have to argue that Master Of Puppets kills almost everything Megadeth have ever put out. It is one juggernaut of an album, and the only way Megadeth could put anything against it is if Rust In Peace was be spiced up with Peace Sells, Symphony Of Destruction, A Tout Le Monde and Back In The Day. And even then, it would be blown away by the joint effort of Kill 'em All, Ride The Lightning and Metallica.
So, although I believe that Megadeth have been more consistent when it comes to releasing good records, it is impossible to say that Metallica are worse when they have Master Of Puppets in their back catalogue. It's like putting up Aerosmith against Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son or the Mongol hordes against a panzer division. It's not a fair fight.
Meh. Megadeth, although I like what Perun had to say on the subject. I'm not too familiar with either band, but considering how Metallica's latter career has gone, I really have to say more power to Mustaine.
For the fact that my favourite pub had free beer last night, that post of mine is quite intelligible. And I even stand by what I said.  :innocent:
I am not familiair enough with Megadeth to judge. But at the moment, I don't care enough to check them out.
It's the same with Dream Theater: I don't like the stinking voice. However, I heard so many good things about Rust in Peace.. So I guess I am not going to ignore it forever.

I like Metallica's first three records, especially Ride The Lightning. Brilliant from beginning til the end. I can't say that for the other albums, always containing one or more lesser tracks.

So this album only would make me vote for them.

@Per, I wish you could do that more often... *cough, cough*
Personally, I found that the first three Megadeth albums had some sublime tracks intertwined with some dross - but Rust in Peace was their first good all round album. I am not that familiar with stuff they did after that as I only have on CD A World Needs a Hero (which is OK). I did try out United Abominations but could not get into it.

The first four by Metallica were, on the whole, brilliant (especially Kill 'em All), but their 5th (Metallica) was a mixture of brilliance and rubbish and although Load had it's moments, it just did not have the same appeal to me as the previous efforts. Reload I don't really know at all - but I did actually find some positives from St Anger after watching the movie Some Kind of Monster and I have to say, there is some tracks I do like. Death Magnetic, for me, is a fantastic album and I rate it higher than anything else either Metallica or Megadeth did - aside from Kill 'em All.

On the whole, I prefer Metallica but Megadeth are not that far behind.
1. Kill 'Em All, Megaforce version
2. Ride The Lightning
3. Master Of Puppets
4. Kill 'Em All, Electra version
5. The $5.98 EP: Garage Days Re-Revisited
6. ...And Justice For All
7. Cliff 'Em All
8. Metallica