Inamorata is a surprisingly cool track. There are a few cool twin guitar leads throughout the album that, at least for a fleeting moment, remind me of the glorious Maiden worship of Metallica days gone by.
I think I had probably only listened to Hardwired and 72 Seasons once each in their entirety since their respective releases, so I went and gave them both a full spin again before making the ranking. I did enjoy 72 Seasons the most, though it isn't saying a lot. Hardwired has higher highs, but also lower lows, and is quite bloated and uneven in general. 72 Seasons is more consistent, but with very few standout moments, and despite their similar lengths, it somehow feels like it drags less. And the production is definitely better. But honestly, it's as close as it could be to a coinflip, and don't really see any particular reason to play either record again.