Infinite Dreamer
Well, I have a weird way of listening to music, specially if it is recommended to me. My best friend sends me band and album names all the time but he never tells me "this is death metal" "this is power Metal" "this is Jazz" "this is rock" etc. Just names... So since I know he has good taste in music I blindly go and purchase said band or album. One of the was Opeth's Deliverance (before I got into death metal) and I just remember thinking "what the fuck is this?" I tried listening to it for a couple of days but put it away for six months wondering why the hell would my friend recomended such weird shit. Six months later I pick it up again and it just "clicked" and since then absolutely love it. Images and Words was the same way even though i already loved Scences from a Memory. I never give up or pass up music easily. I listen to it once, then again later down the road and again. I might never like it, but then again, I might just "get it" and it is worth it.