Maiden's Backstage Requests - Porto alegre gig March 5th


just read this at a local website (, thought it would be cool sharing this info with Maidenheads...

(translated from Portuguese)

Opinião Produtora is the company in charge of bringing Maiden to Porto Alegre and today published the list of "catering/backstage demands"...

Backstage :

- 2 medium rooms for massage
- 50 towels for the band
- 8 chairs
- 2 "full-body" mirrors
- Carpet (clean color)
- A room to fit 50 people

Catering :

- Lunch for 35 people (cold and hot options, soup, meat, chicken, salad, spices)
- Dinner for 50 people ( 3 hot options, fish, meat, chicken, salad, assorted breads)
- Tea and coffee
- 6 liters of cold water
- 8 Red Bull cans
- 8 lemon Gatorades
- 1 crate of Corona beer (cold)
- 1/2 crate of light beer
- 12 large wine glasses

Personal requests...

Steve Harris : 1 chicken sandwich (black bread), no mayo, no butter and a "side order" of broccoli
Bruce Dickinson : 1 steamed chicked breast, steamed carrots, steamed broccoli
Nicko McBrain : 1 tuna sandwich, with mayo, no butter (white bread)
Janick Gers : 1 tuna sandwich, with mayo, no butter (black bread)


InfiniteDreamer said:
Nicko McBrain : 1 tuna sandwich, with mayo, no butter (white bread)
Janick Gers : 1 tuna sandwich, with mayo, no butter (black bread)

Oh man this is funny! Over the years, I bet these breads have been switched often!  :lol:
... Or Bruce and 'Arry get mayo on their sandwiches.  Janick and Nicko should make healthier choices in their age IMHO.  :D
That's "overhealthy" Genghis !

No weird requests, definitely a 50 yr old musicians list (good for them by the way)

And I still remember the lists of Metallica during the Black album tour and Motley Crue's during Dr Feelgood (in this case the list contained mostly "live, fresh and kinky" items !). Man, those were the days. Metallica demanded at least 5 different kinds of beer, bottles of everything made with alcohol....complete mayhem !
Was it Def Leppard that had the thing about no brown M&Ms? 

Come on Maiden - where's the decadence?  Tuna sandwhiches?  Where's the naked women in cages?  Oh well, I suppose the private plane is making some effort :innocent:
:lol: Duncan

Good memory ! Brown M&M's was a classic and smart Van Halen stage safety idea.

They inserted the brown M&M request in the middle of their contract with show promoters. It was right after the "to do's" concerning stage building.

On one occasion their stage collapsed while they were playing...when they went backstage they met the giant M&M dispenser...with brown M&Ms in it (revealing that promoters didn't read the contract with the band's requests !)

I read that on David Lee Roth's autobiography (awesome reading by the way !)

Yes, InfiniteDreamer has it mostly right - the brown M&Ms thing was Van Halen.

But, as I heard the story, they checked it at every show, first thing. It's not that they really hate brown M&Ms. It was just a way of checking if the promoters were following the contracts down to the last detail. If the M&Ms looked right, then the band relaxed. If the M&Ms had brown ones there, then the band began checking everything else (sound, lights, stage etc) with a fine-tooth comb because they knew they couldn't trust the promoter.

I wonder if they're still doing that on the current tour. I mean, it's so well-known now ... every promoter is surely being careful with the M&Ms, and maybe slacking in other areas. If they're smart (a debatable point), then they've switched their "promoter test" to something else on the contract.

As to DLR's autobiography ... thanks for the tip ID. I enjoy those kinds of books, I'll see if I can find it.

If you enjoy reading band's and artist's bios, here are some other "strongly recommended" tips...

1) LEMMY KILMISTER - "White Line Fever". This is probably the funniest autobiography I've ever read in my life. Lemmy's life is like a sequence of Monty Phyton's Flying Circus chapters.

2) MOTLEY CRUE - "The Dirt" . This is a certified classic. The ultimate guide in debauchery, nonstop partying, touring with Ozzy, in short...if Led Zeppelin infamous "Sunset Blvd Holiday Inn destruction" was the top of tops in terms of craziness, this book shows Led Zep was "too naive" !

3) KEITH MOON - "Dear Boy, The life of Keith Moon" - huge book, an authorized biography with so many details about Keith's life that we perfectly understand why he's become such a legend. A life full of highs and lows, such as passing out at Cow Palace during a show (he collapsed over the drum kit), sinking a Rolls Royce inside his pool, exploding kick drums on reading this book you will understand why Jim Henson was influenced by Keith to create "Animal, the drummer".

4) GENE SIMMONS - "KISS and make-up" : autobiography written by the Demon himself. Great reading, especially if you 're interested in making money.

hope you like it Sinister

Forgot something man,

the name of DLR's bio is : CRAZY FROM THE HEAT
That's actually pretty cool insight about the logistics of a big rock band.
Yes, but isn't the better practice to "check everything with a fine-tooth comb" anyway?  Maybe I'm being overly neurotic or unrealistic, but I would be stunned if there weren't multiple redundant safety checks at every show, particularly in the case of multimillionaires who can afford it and on whom so many people are counting for their livelihood. 