Google Hangouts

Yeh, but he was from Ferguslie Park (The Feegy)...
The most deprived datazone in Scotland in SIMD 2012 is S01005247, in the Ferguslie Park area of Paisley, Renfrewshire. This datazone was also the most deprived in Scotland in SIMD 2006 and was ranked 2nd most deprived in SIMD 2009.
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Paisley was an awful disco in the place I used to live in. And when I say awful, I mean I've never felt so out of place anywhere in the world.
Perun and I are going to give this a go tonight - if you're interested, I'll need to add you to my gmail. Send me your gmail via private messaging and I'll add you!

ETA appx 10 minutes.
That is not the reason, I thought you'd think that. I just promised myself to go to sleep earlier today, and I'm going to do it.
I won't be in tonight, I'll need to sort various bits and pieces out and try to remember my gmail.