Maidenfans Album Club: Purest of Pain - Solipsis


Enterprise-class aircraft carrier
Staff member
Hello everyone,

After chatting with a few forum members regarding ongoing reviews, we thought it might be fun to change the pace and expand things out a bit. So, welcome to the Maidenfans Album Club!

The rules of Album Club are pretty straightforward.

1. No structured/numerical reviews. The purpose of Album Club is to discuss, not to rank. Similarly, have decently substantial comments!
2. Keep it positive with each other. You can dislike the album all you want! But be respectful of others opinions.
3. Comparisons are welcome, taking the thread off course isn't. We'll be focused on one album at a time.
4. Share fun things! Talk about the album, the music, the way it makes you feel, if you hate the cover, if you love the producer! Everything relating to the album is on the table.
5. My initial thought for Album Club is to have one album a month with the same artist no more than once a year. We'll vary on music styles but stay inside the metal/hard rock umbrella. We'll also make sure to do new albums regularly.

Aug, 2019: Purest of Pain - Solipsis (That album you love that you wish everyone else loved)
July, 2019: Arch/Matheos - Winter Ethereal (2019 to date)
July, 2019: Iced Earth -Something Wicked This Way Comes (Metal in the 1990s)
June, 2019: Saxon - Destiny (Big name 80s metal)
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Capital idea. How does nominating an album for discussion work, is it just whatever gets mentioned first?
Capital idea. How does nominating an album for discussion work, is it just whatever gets mentioned first?
Once we get to the point of nominations for a new period, I'll ask for ideas, put them all in a spreadsheet, and generate a random number.
Ayreon - Universal Migrator, Part 1: The Dream Sequencer

Best album in the history of music, IMO. Every other choice is weak and sad.

EDIT: Ah, 80's metal. Helloween - Walls Of Jericho
Since we're staying in the realm of hard rock and heavy metal, I believe we can firmly strike Nickelback from contention.