Maiden still scares kids

I think you should give him more credit - he can surely tell the difference between fiction and facts.
Well then get ready to explain what a lobotomy (PoM) is or why Eddie gets tortured (TXF) or why he breaks out of a grave (NPFTD) or [insert various non-kid friendly situations Eddie frequently finds himself in here]. He may get fascinated by darker stuff but when I look at paintings I made while in elementary school... and paintings of my friends... or my father for that matter... everyone seems to have such a phase. As Ariana said, as long as he can differenciate between fact and fiction, he's gonna be fine.

The newspaper has more scary stuff in it daily than any Maiden artwork does, just sayin.
He takes all this very serious. Even if he knows it is fiction, he doesn't stop there. He goes deep into the subject of things.

But I am not hiding anything from him. It's just that he is very sensitive and has certain fears most other kids do not have around this young age. A combination of strong imagination, high intelligence and fears/behaviour that is currently under research.

In short, I am glad he is not afraid of Eddie, but I struggle with explaining the stuff Mrcl mentions and keep an eye on the impact.
Yes beacuse pretending that something like that doesn't exist will help them. My god, censorship is one of dumbest things that humanity ever invented.
Kids generally view Eddie as they typically few anything mysterious or dangerous i.e. with a mixture of curiosity and wonder.
These parents who want to ban Mr Edward T Head are just like most of the general populace; ignorant.
My cousing, age 5, seen my collection of Maiden albums and was blown away by Eddie. It's gross, it's cool and it's metal. He love it! He even make drawings for school! :D

But he ask why Eddie is monster and so on so answer was hard. So I told him truth.
Eddie is someone that band created to take whole attention beacuse they want to create great music and don't think about what people think. If you think about other artists you see their face beacuse it's everywhere. If you think about maiden you see Eddie and people behind it are free to life like they want to. And Eddie is f*** amazing to see on cover, that's also true.

So question about Eddie was excuse to talk about fame, art and what it mean to be musician, not celebrity.
I was "randomly selected" three times for searches while flying to Europe. I was wearing a Maiden shirt, otherwise I look exactly like a non harmful person.

I remember being 6 and dealing with monsters quite extensively. Monsters are cool. I loved the raptors in Jurassic Park, and I was 6 when that came out. They were great because they had agency, even if they were murderous beasts. And I turned out ok. Mostly.

Haha, on Point
I wore a Maiden shirt to get groceries once. A toddler in the grocery cart was obviously interested in it. Young soccer mom turns around, sees my shirt - and proceeds to educate the toddler who Eddie and Maiden is and why my shirt is awesome, which fills the toddler with glee. Made my day.

I wasn't scared by such stuff as a kid and I didn't meet anyone who was. Overprotective parents for sure. Kids love scary monster stuff.

He was singing the song in his head ;) You'd be surprised. On the same grocery store I spent 15 minutes talking about Maiden records with the 60-70 year old women at the register.

This reminds me that I need more Maiden shirts, one isn't enough.
I have 8 Maiden shirts.
Flying alone? That's what got you selected, not the shirt.

Flying alone on a one-way ticket gets you a body cavity search.

I flew alone from Zurich to Spain one way with no luggage (not even hand luggage). And I've been told that my "neutral" facial expression is scary. Yet no one cared for me :(
They would search me for sure. I have that kind of face that bring every newborn nearby to tears. And, sadly, that's not a joke.