Longest notes held by Bruce Dickinson

RaR is the longest one live I know of. He holds a note for 20 seconds in the ending of 1000 Points of Light, is that the longest studio one?
Love that version of Bring Your Daughter.... LC turned me on to that a few years ago. Wow is all I have.
RaR is the longest one live I know of. He holds a note for 20 seconds in the ending of 1000 Points of Light, is that the longest studio one?

I clock that one at 17 seconds. It starts at -20 on the track but there are 3 seconds of silence at the end.

"Fly" in Flight Of Icarus @ 3:00 is 'only' 14 seconds.

"Low" in studio Hallowed is at least 13.5 seconds - close to 14 but I think just under.
"Running low yeah" (one breath) immediately after is 10 seconds.
Total 24 seconds with one very quick breath.
Cried isn't quite crazy enough. Our modern AnC^MaRiNeR is eddie666.
Why thank you, sir.
Yeah, there are quite some resemblances there. Cried more reminds me of another member.
The joke is not related to Ancient Mariner, the member. NP used Cried's status, which is Ancient Mariner, making it look like he (as portraying the legend) confused Cried's status with his nickname.
Who is this Ancient Mariner you speak of?
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There was one very early performance of Sanctuary where Bruce held the "Sanctuary from the laaaaaaaw" note for an impossibly long time. I'll see if I can find it some time.
Funny. Yesterday I also thought of Sanctuary! I searched for it but couldn't find a (relatively) long version. I have completely forgotten which tour (or even decade!) it was.
That is pretty long, but I think the one I have in mind is on a bootleg somewhere.