Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

An American motorcycle racer that I really like, Ben Bostrom, went over to Europe to race World Super Bike, and he chose that number... so, I add that to almost all of my emails/nicks.
wasted155 said:
An American motorcycle racer that I really like, Ben Bostrom, went over to Europe to race World Super Bike, and he chose that number... so, I add that to almost all of my emails/nicks.

ah ok !
I don't add 5 every where, but I always refer to it
...anyway, it exists every where this number, you can't really avoid it
did I hit the top?


I miss counted.  :huh:
wasted155 said:
Yep, just lived through my Birthday Week (much better than last year!).

ah yes, what I dump, and I posted for your bday !!
having kids or not, people from same age understand themselves easier -same kind of humor, we could say ??
I think, it goes a little bit with decades : 20, 30, 40
Yeah, I grasp a little more of understanding as the years go by.  And I am with you on the humor!

So, from your statement, I understand you have kids-- mind if I ask how many?
sorry, I reread that.  It was more of an age atatement....not necessarily inclusive of kids.  :blush:  Its still monday for me!
wasted155 said:
Yeah, I grasp a little more of understanding as the years go by.  And I am with you on the humor!

So, from your statement, I understand you have kids-- mind if I ask how many?

the kids were for you, I don't have for the moment- thats why I said
having kids or not


I'll tell you something : Before 10 years I started to see friends of mine to get married and have children
I always thought that they would be transformed -with their life- to something non-recognisable after a while

....well they didn't ! I see them; they have the same thoughts like me, they are not less crazy
not less light ....so that makes me think that children isn't that terrible finaly  :)

I broke !  :lol:
Yeah, I have some friends with kids and some with out-- and we all get along great!  Kids are fun, they can be a trial, but they can make you laugh like hell!!

I just helped my 14 year old son make a mowhawk of his hair with red hair gel, so he could attend a High School Girls Basketball tournement!  I'll laugh all nite long!
wasted155 said:
Yeah, I have some friends with kids and some with out-- and we all get along great!  Kids are fun, they can be a trial, but they can make you laugh like hell!!

I just helped my 14 year old son make a mowhawk of his hair with red hair gel, so he could attend a High School Girls Basketball tournement!  I'll laugh all nite long!

wow !! teenager kid !!
you feel your son otherwise than your daughters ?? (2, right ?)
I mean because he's a man, son etc
Correct, 2 girls. 

Right now, its easy to relate to him, because we like many of the same things-- sports, motorcycles, music.  He is better at it than I was, he plays sports, band and the like-- it makes it easy to talk to him.

The girls, maybe a little more difficult, but they are easy to play with.  We get along really well (right now)-- but I often try to go out of my way to do "dad and daughter" only stuff.  So far so good.
wasted155 said:
Correct, 2 girls. 

Right now, its easy to relate to him, because we like many of the same things-- sports, motorcycles, music.  He is better at it than I was, he plays sports, band and the like-- it makes it easy to talk to him.

The girls, maybe a little more difficult, but they are easy to play with.  We get along really well (right now)-- but I often try to go out of my way to do "dad and daughter" only stuff.  So far so good.

sounds really nice !

you are living in a small or in a big town ??

-the next go up image is yours  :D
I live in a small town, 1000 people where my kids go to school, 2500 where I live (about 20 minutes away).


I'm off to play taxi again, prob be back on in an hour....

thanks for the lively convo!
he he go up images rule, you'll see  :ok:

this is the cd of the century -jazz


find it, DL it, whatever !!!

Zebra ?  it's good ? what they play ??
Zebra is old 80's hair rock.

I just wiki'd them, cause I couldn't remember exactly where they came from-- New Orleans, LA, back in '75.  They were (IMO) a middle of the pack band.  I couldn't quote you any lyrics off the top of my head, but this was one of the albums for my 'basement project'. 

That was a Great Idea that I had, but haven't seen it through.  I don't have much in the way of vinyl, but album covers were always great art to me, so I thought it would be cool to get albums and line the wall of my basement with them, using band names in alphabetical order--"A" -Aerosmith, "B" Black Sabbath,...., "Z" Zebra.  I have a buddy that has 250ish albums and we went through them looking at all the covers... was great fun!