Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Well, a slow day today.  When I went to bed last night, we were only a few short of 10,500, and now we are just over it.  Most posters must be working or on holiday.  There were a couple days that posts were dropping like rain.

@___no5, you are obviously a Zep' fan; have you ever heard Great White's tribute to Zepplin, Great Zepplin?  Personally, I liked it, but I like Great White too.
wasted155 said:
@___no5, you are obviously a Zep' fan; have you ever heard Great White's tribute to Zepplin, Great Zepplin?  Personally, I liked it, but I like Great White too.

yeap, a great Zep fan  :)

no, never heard of this tribute I'm gonna search it and tell you ...

I'm going to bed now ...see you in a few hours (I hope)
np : John Campbell, One Believer  :wub:
