Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I think I'll get him some flowers. We're probably going to go out to dinner too. Not on that night, every place will be packed! But right around there.

General announcement: You people who are just browsing, please contribute to this legendary thread! Once we hit 10,000, we need to head towards 20,000!  :P
Powergirl81 said:
General announcement: You people who are just browsing, please contribute to this legendary thread! Once we hit 10,000, we need to head towards 20,000!  :P

before you ger logged in it had 26 guests in this page

but no-one of them took the time to contribute  :(
I don't know if guests can even post on here. You need to register, right? I know I've looked at REALLY OLD threads where guests posted (say, 2003-2005), but I never see guests now. I think you need to register so you can make your mark here.

Guests cannot post.  If they lost their accounts, it's 'cause they never posted.  Why do you need an account if you never post?
someone can delete his account also....

I saw RW made some clean up of useless members ....why they get registered if they don't post anyway ??
Good points. That's why I'm at over 2 posts a day  :D

All the mods should send PMs to the people who haven't posted in like, months. If they don't respond in a certain amount of time, get rid of 'em! That way all who post on here are regulars.

Just a suggestion, LC  :)
Powergirl81 said:
All the mods should send PMs to the people who haven't posted in like, months. If they don't respond in a certain amount of time, get rid of 'em!

what ???  no fucking way !!  :mad:
every one has a right to some long term break, why delet an account of a 1000+poster ??

LC was speaking for the enormous quantity of members that THEY NEVER POSTED

NEVER, and that's a different story
Oh yeah, I guess I misunderstood. No matter. But I'm sure there's lots that have registered that have like, 2 posts and haven't even set foot in here in like 2 years.
Powergirl81 said:
Oh yeah, I guess I misunderstood. No matter. But I'm sure there's lots that have registered that have like, 2 posts and haven't even set foot in here in like 2 years.

let's get rid of those who never posted firstly !!

the number of members would be in the half of what is actualy

I have to leave PG my beloved -can you quickly reply the time to tie up my shoes ???  :D :D
Ok, So I was going to start a new thread about this, but seeing as how threads are "disappearing" or "merging" I thought, meh, I'll do it here.

What do you think the title of the next Maiden album will be? The last two were Dance of Death and A Matter of Life and Death.

In that spirit I think the next one would be.... Death Laughs at Life While Doing a Macabre Dance
LOL Onhell! I have no idea what they'll come up with on their next (maybe last? I dunno  :() album

Up The Irons sounds kinda original, but they like to look at novels/films/what not for inspiration. Hard to say considering they just started this tour. Probably 2009 we'll get an album from them.