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Repeatedly actually, very much to my suprise! Thanks for asking. I only had one or two shots per end that were catastrophically awful, wheras the last time I was up there it was very nearly every single arrow (hence I had taken a few weeks out, or in other words, "bottled it"). The rest were reasonably good. Was shooting an 80cm face at 50 metres, if that means anything to anyone ...

The upside of the glasses issue though was that at least I got a nice early night - I couldn't bloody well see to do anything else!
That's great to hear for sure! Maybe you should continue to shoot without glasses.
I think I'm offending the guy across from me on the bus. He keeps looking at my t-shirt, muttering something that seems to have "Jesus" in it a lot, and then frantically flipping through the Bible he's holding.

Seriously thinking about flipping him the horns.
I think I'm offending the guy across from me on the bus. He keeps looking at my t-shirt, muttering something that seems to have "Jesus" in it a lot, and then frantically flipping through the Bible he's holding.

Seriously thinking about flipping him the horns.

Whatcha wearin'?

I got a lot of looks like that from older people when I had long hair and when I used to blast music at max volume through earphones (they loved Anaal Nathrakh the most). Never wore metal shirts outside though.
A friend of my dad's is a Mormon and she recommended that he check out their religion so we've had them over quite a few times and I was wearing a Maiden shirt almost every time and they never said a word about it. And in case you're wondering, we don't plan on joining them. We both feel that because every organized religion has their own beliefs, we can't actually prove which one is correct so we're just going to have our own personal faith with God.
This has been a long week. Last weekend was Canada Day and I had friends up for a party, but we found out during the party that another friend had killed himself. The story came out over the week that he had lost his wallet, which drove him into a depressive spiral. He was autistic and his identity had been stolen once before, which apparently really fucked him up. The possibility of that happening again, combined surely with lots of other stuff, drove him over the edge.

The kicker? They found his wallet in the couch after he died. I don't know why that's fucking me up so bad, but it is. So now I'm burdening you all with it. Anyway, I have a metric ton of beer in my fridge and I intend to drink a lot of it tonight. Hopefully it helps a bit.