Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I've seen both Perun and Shadow come and go in the last hour or so without removing any of the spam threads. Is it only some admins who have the garbage cleaner job or what's the deal guys?! :p
They never seem to post in Forum Games luckily, so I don't have to delete anything :D Since I can't delete threads anywhere else, I just open all spam threads in new tabs and close them all at once so that "new posts" page clears up.
I honestly don't know. We're not sure who hit it, but if you do inline moderation to remove several spam threads at once, even on a PC, it's easy to accidentally catch a genuine discussion thread. There's a 'permanent delete' option that only the admin can potentially undo. What you can't see, is that the reversible, safer, version of deleting threads just removes them from public view. They're all still there until one of us goes through them carefully and permanently deletes them.
A sort of "Quarantine" for spam threads is a good idea for sure. Most spam threads are pretty easily recognizable. Until you get a user who just joined up without an avatar asking a question :D
It's still not foolproof, unfortunately, because the removed-public-view threads are mixed among the others. They are marked, but still easy to accidentally delete when you've a lot of spam threads.
Mine too :confused::yawn:

Good news is that I should only have 2 more semesters of classes. After they are done I should only have exams till graduation :yey:
17 subjects left to pass. 3 of those subjects are probably harder than the other 14 combined though.

This semester has a schedule that leaves a lot of room for free time, so I'm not that mad that the holiday is over.

Besides, I've been on holiday since June 1st, that's a long ass holiday.