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New avatars for Donuts and Onhell!  :D

I'll keep this one for a while...so hard to choose with all those sweet pix of H and Murray around... :blush:

Nevermind. Presale in 25 minutes! We're not going to Jersey, although we talked about it. We'll wait till the May/June dates are announced. They'll play more shows around here  :ok:
I'm sticking with mine until someone complains about being offended... even then I'll keep it just to offend said hypothetical individual until SMX threatens to drive to Arizona to personally kick me into submission like good ol' Uncle Sam does to any commie bastard, and even then it would take LC's and Perun's backing because who is the U.S these days without the support of its northern neighbor and Germany, right? Oh wait, it doesn't care. Thus SMX needs no one's backing and thus until SMX knocks at my door the avatar stays :D Or until I get bored of it.
Let me think ... 836 miles from Denver to Phoenix ... that's about 9 hours each way driving time because I drive like a maniac ... so 18 hours of driving for the round trip, plus it will only take about 20 seconds to kick Onhell into submission ... sounds like this idea could work! :P
I thought about posting something witty, but this is the best you'll get, I'm afraid.
NP: Death - Misanthrope

Really, we need more words like misanthrope.  And malapropism.  And deuce.  Definitely deuce.