Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Before Christmas, we must have the 10,000th post. Very achievable, methinks - so, are we up for it?
NP: Led Zeppelin - "Ten Years Gone"

Easily my favourite Zeppelin song. It's up there with "Time", "Firth of Fifth" and "Revelations" as a candidate for best rock song ever.

Speaking of best ever, if we switch to comedy one of the candidates would be Dave Allen.
This thread has been read (at time of writing) 185,097 times. Granted, not all will be forum members as quite a few will be guests, but instead of just reading - dump some crappy thoughts in here.

If we do, we may then get to 10,000 replies before October's out.
Fuck October, February is where it's at. Not only is it the shortest month, but it adds a day every four years, that's right it's its own Olympics! And the ridiculous Groundhog Day which is only still around do to cuteness factor...
I hated all three, the unholy trinity of science! Not because of the subject mind you, all my teachers were monsters...
Screw Physics.  Biochemistry for the win!

Screw PS3.  Wii60 for the win!

Screw Ozzy.  Bruce Halford for the win!
Adrian Harris! the mighty mega-merger only made possible by the Japanese and their incredible insistence on having small pathetic humans "morph, mutate, transform, into less puny humans and ride giant robots that combine to form an even larger robot to fight off creatures from dimensions not even thought of by science, because they like imagination! Adrian Smith and Steve Harris sold separately, batteries not included. Bruce Murray Nicko available Christmas '08