Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

He intentionally started a descent while the pilot was locked out.

Mr Robin said there was "absolute silence in the cockpit" as the pilot fought to re-enter it.

The co-pilot, now named as Andreas Lubitz, was alive until the final impact, the prosecutors added.

"We hear the pilot ask the co-pilot to take control of the plane and we hear at the same time the sound of a seat moving backwards and the sound of a door closing," Mr Robin told reporters.

"At that moment, the co-pilot is controlling the plane by himself. While he is alone, the co-pilot presses the buttons of the flight monitoring system to put into action the descent of the aeroplane.

"This action on the altitude controls can only be deliberate."

The Airbus 320 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf hit a mountain, killing 150 people, after an eight-minute descent.
That's appalling. I can't see it being terrorism - something would have been said. Sounds almost more like suicide...
But if you want to kill yourself, why not do it at home?
Same could be asked of any number of suicides who kill others beforehand. To make a statement. To be known, to find in death the infamy that eluded them in life. To make a political statement (though I find that unlikely in this case).
Same could be asked of any number of suicides who kill others beforehand. To make a statement. To be known, to find in death the infamy that eluded them in life. To make a political statement (though I find that unlikely in this case).

True, and my question was partly rhetorical anyway, but it is still infuriating.
If he wanted to do it in the name of politics or religion, he would've left a suicide letter or said something in the cockpit while the plane was descending, so it's definitely not terrorism.
That's appalling. I can't see it being terrorism - something would have been said. Sounds almost more like suicide...

As a typical suicide, it doesn't make much sense. Suicidal people don't usually seek to take a crowd out with them. If he had a motive for doing so, it's odd that he chose to remain silent on the radio as he went down. For instance, if he also wanted revenge against his employer (the airline), you'd think he'd be ranting about the airline as they fell.

The radio silence is the creepy part. It makes me wonder... who was that co-pilot in debt to, and who else died on that plane?
Why not add some more fuel to the fire?
This happened just over a year after MH370.
What if one of us in the future timetraveled to the past (current present) to crash MH370 and prevent Thousand_Suns from returning to the forum (he was leaving Malaysia because of all their IP's were banned)? :eek:
Night Prowler, can you help for me to log onto the Maidenfans? I am no more banned, so please to help me post on the forum? I need your help, I cannot sign on and post.
Hi Staff Member, you are posting on the forum. I do not like Maidenfans. You might to ask me a question why? And my answer is: it's satanic and rude. You are banned now, goodbye.

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Post-satanic era of the forum, you mean? I can't recall we had a satanic era. which means I must probably also have joined in the post-satanic era.