Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I still don't understand the logic of not getting any sort of vaccine or booster for those illnesses, especially for a child. The MMR controversy was proven to be nonsense in hindsight, which is really the only thing that held people back.
A friend of my daughter's has Whopping Cough. Fucking asshole hippie parents for not getting their kid immunized properly. Assholes.
The far left who don't trust the medical industry and the far right that don't trust government suggestions. It's SCIENCE. Not POLITICS.
Woke up with a migraine. Feels like this:
I emailed my soon-to-be PhD supervisor a few days ago and his reply included the abbreviation "BTW". I'm not entirely sure what to make of that. What if he starts saying "lol" as well?
I emailed my soon-to-be PhD supervisor a few days ago and his reply included the abbreviation "BTW". I'm not entirely sure what to make of that. What if he starts saying "lol" as well?

Hmm, I think "btw" is more okay than "lol" in a formal letter, although, obviously, neither should be used.
Managed to get it out, but not before he crawled all over my arm and hand.

Here's a picture of the big little guy:
Just found a grasshopper crawling on my foot. It has massive antennae.

Used to get tons of the things on holiday, I'd quite happily catch the little ones when I was a kid but the big 2-3" ones freaked me out like crazy, I remember getting really far on a Shinobi arcade machine, dying, then going to put in some more money and seeing a huge one crawling up the front of the machine... so just backed away scared as hell and my continue ran out ;'( Damned grasshopper, never forgave the species!
I emailed my soon-to-be PhD supervisor a few days ago and his reply included the abbreviation "BTW". I'm not entirely sure what to make of that. What if he starts saying "lol" as well?

"BTW" is fine, I think even things like "IMHO" don't question the seriousness of the sender. "lol", "j/k" or "iryo" are an entirely different league.