Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

It's shocking how many people truly believe that. I'm not gonna hate on him as much as others, though. I think his playing is very definitive and often unique for a metal drummer. He has no flair and his fills are awful, but they would have been worse off with a different drummer.

My favourite thing in that is actually one of the comments
Weird coincidence - just after reading all that posts about Lars me and my girlfriend have watched an episode of House MD, Known Unknowns... where he wants the patient to play air drums to Fuel as a diagnostic test, introducing the video as "This is Lars Ulrich. The best drummer in the world" (or something to that effect). o_O
Nicko and Neal FTW!

True, and it also seems House for all his knowledge has never heard of Messrs Dave Slayer, Gene Dark Angel, the brothers Mike and Mike Dream Theater, Nick Megadeth, Bill Yes, the brothers Clive and Barriemore Jethro Tull, George Nile, Terry Zappa, Mike Suffocation, Sean Cynic, Flo Cryptopsy, Pete Morbid Angel ... and honestly, even the gentlemen Charlie Anthrax and John Led Zeppelin.

And I am probably forgetting eighty more who would kill Lars using only their left hand.

Even Keith Moon, who had problems being an actual drummer is probably better (well he is as much as he isn't ... you can't compare regular drummers and a guy who - due to his constant fills and whatnot - made the guitarist change the way he played so at least somebody within the band would be keeping the rhythm).

I am a big Metallica fan, used to be an even bigger one, I really like them and I'm looking forward to seeing them in July, but even at the height of my fandom it never occurred to me to call Lars "the best drummer in the world".

He definitely is unique, though.
True, and it also seems House for all his knowledge has never heard of Messrs Dave Slayer, etc ...

... or that he is ironic. I've watched most of the series and House never struck me as one who is into heavy metal (or would think that any metal drummer was the world's greatest drummer).

My money would be on a joke from the writers.
... or that he is ironic. I've watched most of the series and House never struck me as one who is into heavy metal (or would think that any metal drummer was the world's greatest drummer).

My money would be on a joke from the writers.

You may be right. I didn't think of that precisely because considering the things he listened to or played in the series, he seemed more of a bluesman to me and that "Lars is God" is usually said by people outside the metal world. I mean, "Tallica, man!"

Still, a funny coincidence.
A six pack of 0.5 l beers from a certain brand cost nine cents less than a six pack of 0.3 l from the same brand today. :nuts2:
No, both glass bottles. The 0.5 six pack was a special offer, but it's still kind of ridiculous. Not that getting 12 beers for 7,80 is ridiculous, but they ought to fire their marketing guy if they know what's good for them.
You Nords are rich as well :D. I'm not sure but I guess sixpacks go for about 6-7 euros here.

Not that rich. I'm sure if an average Norwegian worker and an average Estonian worker both drank the same number of beers every week, the Norwegian would use a larger chunk of his salary on beer than the Estonian.
Funny, I talked to one of my lecturers about beer prices in Scandinavia yesterday, given that he just returned from Denmark.