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Oscar Pistorius' trial starts tomorrow. This is going to be a disgusting media circus where the world's press will be worse than vultures.

I saw this advert in the paper yesterday. Astonishing.

Trapped at home today in the land of the ice and snow ... it was 81F on Saturday afternoon, 18F right now (0F with the wind chill).
It's possible, especially in Texas, where there's literally no obstructions to weather coming down from the north for somewhere like 2ooo kilometres. It's rare, but possible. Not like Nova Scotia, where 30+ degree temperature swings are common this time of year.
It's possible, especially in Texas, where there's literally no obstructions to weather coming down from the north for somewhere like 2ooo kilometres. It's rare, but possible. Not like Nova Scotia, where 30+ degree temperature swings are common this time of year.

It is not all that rare .. especially in North Texas .. depending on how the fronts move in the spring and fall we either get generally warm weather from the Gulf of Mexico or cold air coming down from Canada A change like this probably happens 4 to 6 times a year.

During the summer, the weather is easy here, it is either insanely hot or incredibly hot.
Went out for a walk and it poured down with rain. I have the feeling that getting soaking wet is not very likely to cure my cough.
And another good buy, I've been on a roll lately with buying cd's. This ones obviously A Real Dead One with a poster. Just curious, if anyone else has this CD did it come with a poster too?