Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I've had two 'real' days at the new job. I hafta admit, there is a shit-ton to learn, but this job is gonna be awesome!!

I'll post a pic of the OCC when I can get it loaded.

You know, sometimes I wonder if this isn't actually a kabbalah forum.
Probably True.
However, can it be proven?
Yes, we are very prolific posters.
So, does that make the 100K thread the most deep?
Intricacy is extremely important.
Can we say that we are so intricate here?
Looking at it, perhaps we can.

Go, check out all the :hello:
Read them back to front.
And then right to left.
Frighteningly, the pattern appears.
Frighteningly, you can realize it.
It's there, it's real.
Time's going to run out? Is it a timer? Is that what it is?
It's waiting at the very, very end of the thread...
There's something about that smiley that makes me love it. :nuts:
This one is worse though. Must be the lack of a mustache that makes the upper one superior.

Everything that lacks moustaches is superior to the same thing with moustaches. That's a universal truth.