I'm really happy we don't celebrate Halloween.
Sounds stressful, indeed. Do you get the weekend off?
I actually dressed up, I just had it covered it with a coat when I went out. I didn't feel like taking the wig/ears off to go outside for a 10 minute break. It's off now. It was starting to bother my head. I mentioned it to Mosh a page or so back but I'm a My Little Pony today. So far, 2 people got who I was and 2 others thought I was Miss Piggy.Nothing says "I can't be bothered to dress up" like a pink wig and pony ears.
Yep, and things are going to be quieter for some time now. This teaching task is a one-off job (2*2 days plus whatever time I have used for preparation). Doing it on my free time, i.e. using of my vacation quota in my regular job. In addition there have been two work-related travels this month, plus a (longer than expected) weekend in London.
I totally get that. If I was asked to teach a class, I'd do so in a heartbeat.
Unless it's on organic chemistry.
I made the rookie mistake of answering the door on Halloween.
If it was organic chemistry, I'd probably say yes if it was at introductory level, but not if it was more advanced. That would require me to study too much myself.
All I know about organic chemistry is that it exists, and only because I pass by the institute of anorganic chemistry every day. So it is not even positive knowledge, but deduction.