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How did you fair with that crazy landlord?

We had a sit-down meeting, at the letting agent's offices. It got quite heated. I printout out loads of legal documents I found on a Government website, and took advice from a housing charity. He's now a lot more respectful and asks permission each and every time he wants to be in the house. I actually delayed the redecoration for a week last week because I was off work and he agreed to that.
He hasn't gone through the agency to let the other two flats, though, so goodness knows who he's getting in and what they'll be allowed to do :S
He just has a bee in his bonnet about refurbishment and redecoration. Apparently it was his childhood home. He obviously still thinks it's his home rather than a place he rents out
I'm pretty sure I was also in here yesterday evening
"It's me Sixes, Mon Child, don't you remember me from the Bea..Now playing thread" :p

On the other hand. Waking up with a clean slate every morning could also have its advantages! Like it was a brand new day, literally :D