Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

There was nowhere near this much activity in the build up to the release of AMOLAD.
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109 users and 104 guests.... gotta be some kinda record... *goes off to check* Huh, could have sworn there was a "most ever online" stat... guess not.
Albie said:
I pity the man to have to moderate the "The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread" topic. That has gone plain mental.

If I'd be a mod, I'd love to annihilate that thread as soon as the album is out.
LooseCannon said:
Yeah....well the IMBB was still active then, iirc.

Onhell, Teemu just signed.

Saw that, posted something about that on the hockey thread. gonna bombast Gretzky in just a second too :)
Forostar said:
If I'd be a mod, I'd love to annihilate that thread as soon as the album is out.
Onhell said:
over 1,000 replies already... wow. That can be merged with this one once it dies.
LooseCannon said:
That's the plan!
Onhell said:
109 users and 104 guests.... gotta be some kinda record... *goes off to check* Huh, could have sworn there was a "most ever online" stat... guess not.
There is - June 2010 has that record, 247.
Foro...the leaks aren't a hoax.

Lots of those people will never come back, and that's just fine.
We didn't get such an influx of new members when AMOLAD was released, did we?  Maybe something to do with the absence of He Who Must Not Be Named... :ninja:

BTW has the album leaked? It seems they're sharing songs...

Edit: D'oh, missed Foro's post.
Can't these people wait a few more days? And get it in a nicely packaged CD?
Man, why would I spoil the fun a few days before the album comes out? What a nutty business. This Friday the 13th, I hope to get the CD and have 100 times as much fun as the people who have played the mp3s 100 times.

Albie: looks like we thought the same!  :)
Invader said:
We didn't get such an influx of new members when AMOLAD was released, did we?  Maybe something to do with the absence of He Who Must Not Be Named... :ninja:
LooseCannon said:
Yeah....well the IMBB was still active then, iirc.
I PM two newbies giving my e-mail before the ol'good LC.

As soon as I did it for the second one, I receive a viagra add. Diabolic  :devil:

Invader said:
We didn't get such an influx of new members when AMOLAD was released, did we?  Maybe something to do with the absence of He Who Must Not Be Named... :ninja:

I thought about it!!

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:lol: go old timers, go !