Legacy of the Beast Tour Second Leg Rumours & Discussions

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I still play LOTB game regularly. I have a 5 star Tailgunner Eddie level 100. He's pretty OP. Finding it hard to get Breeg Eddie though. Have had the odd Grave soul but no joy.

Same here.
I currently have 23 different Eddies, all level 100. Also a further 25 duplicate Eddies, that are waiting for a worthwhile sacrifice special event.

Plus 179 "other" non duplicate characters. Never spent any money whatsoever on the game though .... just time! (the auto feature is a god-send)
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I believe the lyrics to "Montsegur" came out of one of his holidays.

Correct. Bruce mentions this on What Does This Button Do? There was a FC member (I think her username was Cathar_Maiden) who visited Montségur and saw Bruce had signed the visitors' book. :)

Impressive ruins and climbing up the hill in thick fog and drizzle was a nice experience. :)
Yeah I was about to say, I think I remember an interview where Bruce said he was walking through the ruins, looking at the walls and stone and thinking about all the history and blood the castle's been through
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