It takes literally 3 seconds. in Chrome, go to apps > Web store, search Adblock, click Add to Chrome, done. :p

I was even surprised that this site has so many ads when I logged into it from my phone once. I'm used to seeing it without ads.
Not surprisingly, I got UK and US purple, followed by Sweden - again, not a surprise! Then Finland and Germany, followed by France and Norway, Canada, Netherlands, Brazil and Australia, then Denmark, Poland, Italy, Ireland, Iceland and Japan. I listen to a Japanese band? I can't think who.
This one's mine

But since the scrobbler works in mysterious ways and sometimes it doesn't work at all, it's not that representative. I guess that's the perk of being a Mac user. However, it says my top artists of all time are Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Symphony X, Bruce Dickinson and Nightwish, so it's not that inaccurate. :D
Just discovered that King Crimson doesn't allow to use their album covers on their website O.o And they also block all their stuff on YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion.
Just discovered that King Crimson doesn't allow to use their album covers on their website o_O And they also block all their stuff on YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion.

Surprised? Fripp is really obsessed about that stuff. I remember there was actually an official live release (not a bootleg) where there was a track consisting of Crimson stopping the show and Fripp taking a camera away from a guy, because he took a picture or whatever.

EDIT: A weird coincidence - after several months I have opened my KC folder on the disk to play something... only to find this post of yours minutes later :D
Surprised? Fripp is really obsessed about that stuff. I remember there was actually an official live release (not a bootleg) where there was a track consisting of Crimson stopping the show and Fripp taking a camera away from a guy, because he took a picture or whatever.
Stupid thing to do IMO.

I think Prince also doesn't allow his songs to appear on those websites.

And on a related note, for a long time wasn't allowed to post Rammstein setlists O.o

EDIT: A weird coincidence - after several months I have opened my KC folder on the disk to play something... only to find this post of yours minutes later :D
Illuminati confirmed!