Keyboards on The Book of Souls album

Night Prowler

Customer Deathcycle Manager
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So does anyone else think they've never used keyboards as good or as much as on this album? Before the reunion they were mostly used to support the guitars. During the reunion era with the addition of 3rd guitar they didn't need them anymore in that regard so they used them almost exclusively as orchestral background. But on this album they provide this creepy atmosphere that's only been heard on the epics of TFF, but not as much. Title track and The Man Of Sorrows are prime examples of awesome keyboard inclusion IMO.
I dislike the sound somewhat, and find them annoying and even a bit misplaced on TRATB, but in Empire and in Man of Sorrows they add a lot. Also on others which do not come to mind now. My favourite use and sound of keyboards, also in quantity, is on SSOASS. I also like how they are used in places on the FOTD album.
I like the keyboards in most of the songs. Agreed on the title track - keyboard enriches the chorus so much. But the "orchestration" on EotC... Let me quote myself from another thread, because it fits here:
Fake orchestra sounds so fucking bad. It's so terrible I cringed every time I heard a "cello" or some "horns". The guy didn't even use legato patches - it's fucking 2015, you can do better than that with virtual instruments, man... For God's sake, I think they could easily afford recording real instruments... But I guess they wanted to do it quick.
I like the keyboards in most of the songs. Agreed on the title track - keyboard enriches the chorus so much. But the "orchestration" on EotC... Let me quote myself from another thread, because it fits here:
And that is reason why I don't analyze music. :]
I'm also wondering whether or not the piano on EotC is real. I assumed they recorded it, given that the instrument was physically standing in the studio, but Bruce said in an interview:
But by the magic of midi and a bit of editing, you know, some of my shitty bits got rearranged, and we could actually move the odd bum note around so that we could get some semblance of a piano track that makes sense.
They should have flown a professional orchestra into the studio. Imagine how that would have sounded. If you are gonna have cellos, violin, trumpets and what else...Go all out ;)
I like the song, but I agree that they should have used real strings for EOTC. The synthesized orchestration sounds uncomfortably much like a television soundtrack.
Apparently Steve did all the synth work on the album.
At least according to the sleeve notes.
I think the keyboards sound fine and not particularly cheesy or false.
I even like the synths at the start of IESF although they do sound a bit Holy Diverish.
I'm also wondering whether or not the piano on EotC is real. I assumed they recorded it, given that the instrument was physically standing in the studio, but Bruce said in an interview:

I think that he said in the trunk interview that they used the midi keyboard during the live recording so they wouldn't have to do a million takes before Bruce got it right (I think he said they wouldn't be done with it until next Christmas :D).

It could have been re-recorded on a real piano afterwards, when the band tracks were finished... But who knows...
Yep, he said the keyboard was MIDI edited. Especially in the middle, it sounds like midi to me. Really good quality midi, but definitely not a real piano.
Apparently Steve did all the synth work on the album.
At least according to the sleeve notes.

The sleeve notes are interesting in that they say:

Steve Harris: Bass and Keyboards

and then a few lines down:

Keyboards by Michael Kenney

Which means that this is no different from the other albums: Steve did some keyboards (probably for timing) but Michael Kenney (The Seventh Member of Maiden) did most of them.
The sleeve notes are interesting in that they say:

Steve Harris: Bass and Keyboards

and then a few lines down:

Keyboards by Michael Kenney

Which means that this is no different from the other albums: Steve did some keyboards (probably for timing) but Michael Kenney (The Seventh Member of Maiden) did most of them.

Yes I noticed this when I was scrolling through the sleeve notes in the Deluxe edition also.
I think Mr Kenney also plays certain keyboard parts live.