Judas Priest

I wouldn't worry about it if they sound fine to you. Seems like people are mostly nitpicking. I have remasters and originals and both sound fine to me.
I only heard the remasters and they sound perfectly fine to me.

It's probably an audio geek thing. The remasters are victims of the loudness war and sound muddier and more compressed than their more dynamic counterparts.
If you don't hear a difference, it's perfectly fine.
They are just slowly revealing the cover... or something. Lame. I want tracklist, album title or something like that! :D
I thought Maiden's website looked outdated but then I visited JudasPriest.com....Holy crap :eek:...And their Noticeboard/Forum layout is just horrible..
Imo Maiden's website looks very nice but I have to agree on Priest's. I don't think they pay a lot of attention to it.
I meant looked outdated before the latest update, Maiden's website ain't so bad now that's true :) Priest's still looks like something from the 90s.
Priests website has changed since I last saw it tbh. It used to look even older :P Maidens site has changed a few times since my first visit back around DoD release.. seems to change every year at least.
Cover + general Priest album promotion --> Sad Wings of Destiny II ?

These details from the official site are quite predictable if you ask me:

Dear fans,

With pride we present to you some information on our new album. We didn't dare to make another out of the order record like Nostradamus (remember this album? we promised to play it live but chickened out). This time no risks, no surprises. We decided to play it safe and present something we know all fans will love: an album that combines the calmer atmospheric moments of Sad Wings of Destiny with the production and heaviness of Painkiller... ...
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Gotcha! A joke, but as you might have guessed, there's a serous edge towards this. I bet Priest will play it safe (and you can also read my criticism on how they handled the previous album).
Must confess I am still very curious on how the new dude will contribute.

In all honesty though, an album with the atmosphere of Sad Wings and the heaviness/production of Painkiller would make for an ideal Priest album for me.
Yeah, that was the more believable ingredient in this "press release".

Gotcha! A joke, but as you might have guessed, there's a serous edge towards this. I bet Priest will play it safe (and you can also read my criticism on how they handled the previous album).

Yeah, that was the more believable ingredient in this "press release".

Well, yeah, of course they're gonna play it safe. That was basically what they'd been saying for awhile now in their interviews. :P